Frank Mba biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, education, marriage, phone number and more

Frank Mba biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, education, marriage, phone number and more

Read all about Frank Mba biography and net worth

Frank Mba is a Nigerian police officer & lawyer who is the commission of police and the force public relation officer (FPRO).

He was promoted from DCP to a higher rank by the Inspector general of the police force Mr. Mohammed Adamu in 2020 at police force headquarters, Abuja.

Frank Mba studied law at the University of Lagos and holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Dundee, Scotland.

He is a national & international security certificate holder from Harvard University in the United states of America.

If you want to read all about Frank Mba biography, Frank Mba net worth, Frank Mba age, Frank Mba state of origin, Frank Mba career, Frank Mba education, Frank Mba marriage, Frank Mba phone number and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Frank Mba:

Read my post on Simon Ekpa biography and net worth

Frank Mba profile

Frank mba biography

Name: Frank Mba

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Enugu state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Police Officer

Net worth: $500,000


Frank Mba biography

Frank Mba hails from Udenu local government area in Enugu. Not much is known about his early life and family.

Frank Mba education

Frank Mba attended the Nigeria Police Academy in Kano and graduated from the academy as the best cadet inspector in Academics in 1993.

He studied Law at the University of Lagos and was called to bar in 2002. He holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Dundee, Scotland.

He is a national & international security certificate holder from Harvard University in the United states of America.

Frank Mba is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) national academy, Quantico USA.

Frank Mba career

Frank Mba is a Nigerian police officer & lawyer who is the commission of police and the force public relation officer (FPRO).

He was promoted from DCP to a higher rank by the Inspector general of the police force Mr. Mohammed Adamu in 2020 at police force headquarters, Abuja.

He had served as the deputy commissioner of the Nigerian police force and has served in the Nigerian police force since 1993.

Some of the positions he has occupied in the Nigerian Police force are:

  • Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) – 1999
  • Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) – 2003
  • Superintendent of Police (SP) – 2006
  • Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) – 2012
  • Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
  • Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) – 2019
  • Commissioner of Police (CP) – 2020

He has also attended some law enforcement training:

  • Countering Violent Extremism and Police Leadership Course at the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), Roswell, New Mexico, USA (2018);
  • Strategic Leadership and Command Course, Police Staff College, Jos (2017);
  • Crisis and Disaster Management Course, Israel (2013);
  • Managing the Media in Crisis Situations, School of Media and Communications, Pan Atlantic University, Lagos (2013);
  • US-sponsored International Visitor Leadership Program, with special focus on International Crime Issues, Washington DC (2010);
  • General Criminal Investigation Course at the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), Botswana (2009);
  • Middle Management Course on Global Peace Operations in Vicenza, Italy (2008);

Frank Mba marriage

Read my Luck Igbokwe biography and net worth

Frank Mba is married, although the identity of his wife is not known to the public.

Frank Mba net worth

Frank Mba net worth has been estimated at $500,000.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Frank Mba from?

Frank Mba is from Enugu state

When did the Frank Mba join the police?

Frank Mba joined the police in 1993.


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