Jenni Frank TikTok biography, net worth, career, age, boyfriend, husband, state of origin, education and more

Jenni Frank TikTok biography, net worth, career, age, boyfriend, husband, state of origin, education and more

Read all about Jenni Frank biography and net worth.

Jenni Frank is a Nigerian content creator, social media influencer, TikToker and YouTuber who is well known on TikTok for her short videos.

Jenni Frank is popularly known as the Queen of Slowmo, after she participated in the Slowmochallenge that was used in promoting several Nigerian hit songs.

She has over 2 million followers on the TikTok app and also over 400,000 followers on Instagram. She has collaborated with brands like MTN, Telemundo, TikTok and many more.

If you want to read all about Jenni Frank biography, Jenni frank net worth, Jenni Frank career, Jenni Frank, age, Jenni Frank boyfriend, Jenni frank husband, Jenni frank state of origin, Jenni Frank education, Jenni Frank social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


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The below is the profile of Jenni Frank:


Jenni Frank profile

Jenni frank biography

Real name: Onyekwelu Jennifer Ebere

Date of birth: May 29, 1996

Age: 26 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Content creator, social media influencer, YouTuber


Jenni Frank biography

Jenni Frank whose real name is Onyekwelu Jennifer Ebere was born on the 29th of May 1996. Not much is known about her family or her siblings. She has so far kept her private life away from the prying eyes of the public.

Jenni Frank education

Jenni frank graduated with a degree in Industrial relations & human resource management from the Covenant university.

She has also completed her Nation Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

Jenni Frank career

Jenni Frank is popularly known as the Queen of Slowmo, after she participated in the Slowmochallenge that was used in promoting several Nigerian hit songs.

She has over 2 million followers on the TikTok app and also over 400,000 followers on Instagram. She has collaborated with brands like MTN, Telemundo, TikTok and many more.

Jenni Frank boyfriend/husband

Jenni frank is not yet married and she has not also revealed the person she is dating to the public, or if she is in any relationship.

Jenni Frank net worth

Jenni frank net worth has not yet been estimated. She has collaborated with brands like MTN, Telemundo, TikTok and many more.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Read my FISAYO the YouTuber biography and net worth

Is Jenni frank married?

No, she is not yet married.

What is Jenni Frank net worth?

Jenni frank net worth has not yet been estimated. She has collaborated with brands like MTN, Telemundo, TikTok and many more.


Thank you for reading my Jenni Frank TikTok biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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