Khloe gram TikTok biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, boyfriend and more

Khloe gram TikTok biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, boyfriend and more

Khloe gram tiktok biography and net worth.

Khloe gram is a Nigerian Tiktoker, content creator, fashion model and social media influencer. She is known for creating viral content on TikTok.

She is one of the top influencers on TikTok and has hundreds of followers on the app and also across other social media platform.

Khloe gram is also the ex-girlfriend of another TikTok influencer “Yallmeetbernie”, they had featured in numerous videos together before their breakup.

If you want to read all about Khloe gram biography, Khloe gram net worth, Khloe gram age, Khloe gram state of origin, Khloe gram education, Khloe gram boyfriend, Khloe gram social media, Khloe gram career and more, then you are in the right place.

Let’s get into it then…

Read my post on Jenni Frank biography and net worth

The below is the profile of Khloe gram TikTok:


Khloe gram TikTok profile

Khloe gram biography

Name: Khloe gram

Date of birth: May 3rd 2001

Age: 21 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: N/A

Occupation: Content creator, Fashion Model


Khloe gram TikTok biography (Early life)

Khloe gram was born on the May 3rd 2001 in Lagos state. Not much is known about her early family and life.

Khloe gram education

Khloe gram completed her primary and secondary education and obtained her first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

We currently don’t have information on her University Education.

Khloe gram career

Khloe gram joined TikTok during the pandemic period and started creating content. She has since gone on to gain thousands of followers on the app.

She is regularly seen advertising several products on her social media handles.

She is one of the top influencers on TikTok and has hundreds of followers on the app and also across other social media platform.

Khloe gram boyfriend

Khloe gram is the ex-girlfriend of another TikTok influencer “Yallmeetbernie”, they had featured in numerous videos together before their breakup.

Khloe gram net worth

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Khloe gram net worth has not yet been estimated. She makes money as a content creator and is regularly seen advertising several products on her social media handles.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Khloe gram net worth?

Khloe gram net worth has not yet been estimated.


Thank you for reading my Khloe gram biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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