Lucky Igbokwe biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more

Lucky Igbokwe biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more

Read all about Lucky Igbokwe biography and net worth.

Lucky Igbokwe is a Nigerian businessman, he is the owner of 2flame media, a media and entertainment company in Nigeria. He is also the CEO companies like the Lucion Towers Construction company, the Don Lulu Foundation, and Green Peace Nigeria.

After his education, Don Lulu started his entertainment business fully in 2006 with help from his Uncle who runs a cosmetics business. He organized gigs and shows featuring PSquare (now dissolved) back then in 2006.

If you want to read all about Lucky Igbokwe biography, Lucky Igbokwe net worth, Lucky Igbokwe career, Lucky Igbokwe age, Lucky Igbokwe state of origin, Lucky Igbokwe wife, Lucky Igbokwe education, Lucky Igbokwe wife, Lucky Igbokwe contact and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Lucky Igbokwe

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Lucky Igbokwe profile

Lucky igbokwe biography

Name: Lucky Igbokwe

Date of birth: 27th June 1981

Age: 42 years’ old

State of origin: Abia state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Businessman

Net worth: $500,000


Lucky Igbokwe biography (Early life)

Lucky Martins Igbokwe was born on 27th June 1981 in Umuahia, Abia State. He hails from Umuawa, Alaocha, Ohuhu, Umuahia North LGA, Abia State, a state in Nigeria predominated by the Igbo speaking Nigerians.

He was born into a family of 6 children and his parents are Mr. Nze Nmaralam and Mrs. Onyekwulechi Igbokwe.

Lucky Igbokwe education

Lucky Igbokwe graduated from the University of Lagos (UNILAG).

Lucky Igbokwe career

After his education, Don Lulu started his entertainment business fully in 2006 with help from his Uncle who runs a cosmetics business. He organized gigs and shows featuring PSquare (now dissolved) back then in 2006.

His entertainment label, 2Flame Entertainment which started in 2014 is now a subsidiary of 2Flame Media.

He later acquired Premium Streaming Service KeduTV LCC.

Lucky Igbokwe runs a Real Estate company called Lucion Towers Construction. The United Nations recognized him as Mayor of peace due to philanthropic gestures through his foundation, Don Lulu Foundation.

He also founded Green Peace Nigeria, an NGO established to ensure the protection of the environment and peaceful co-existence.

Lucky Igbokwe wife

Lucky got married in 2008, and his union is blessed with a son, he shuffles between Nigeria and the USA where his family lives.

Lucky Igbokwe contact

Read my post on Aisha Yesufu biography and net worth

Umuawa Alaocha Umuahia North LGA, Abia State

021 3456 789

Lucky Igbokwe net worth

Lucky Igbokwe net worth has been estimated at $500,000. He is a very successful businessman, who has a few multi-million ventures to his name.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Lucky Igbokwe from?

He hails from Abia state

How old is Lucky Ogbokwe?

He is 42 years’ old

Is Lucky Igbokwe married?

Lucky got married in 2008, and his union is blessed with a son, he shuffles between Nigeria and the USA where his family lives.


Thank you for reading my Lucky Igbokwe biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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