Joe Ajaero biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, wife and more

Joe Ajaero biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, wife and more

Read all about Joe Ajaero biography and net worth.

Joe Ajaero is the current national president of the Nigerian labor congress (NLC), he is the general secretary of the Nigerian union of electricity employees.

Joe Ajaero was once a research officer on Merchandised infantry division Nigerian Army Kaduna between 1990 & 1991.

He represented Africa in the global union federation public services international representing workers in 150 countries worldwide.

If you want read all about Joe Ajaero biography, Joe Ajaero net worth, Joe Ajaero career, Joe Ajaero education, Joe Ajaero state of origin, Joe Ajaero wife and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Joe Ajaero:

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Joe Ajaero profile

Name: Joseph Ajaero

Date of birth: 17th December 1964

Age: 59 years’ old

State of origin: Imo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Civil servant

Net worth: N/A


Joe Ajaero biography (Early life)

Joe Ajaero was born on the 17th of December 1964 in Emekuku, Owerri-North Imo state.

Joe Ajaero education

Joe Ajaero graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1990 and got his master’s degree from the University of Lagos in industrial & Labor relations in 1998.

He also got a certificate from Harvard business school.

Joe Ajaero career

Joe Ajaero was once a research officer on Merchandised infantry division Nigerian Army Kaduna between 1990 & 1991.

He represented Africa in the global union federation public services international representing workers in 150 countries worldwide.

He served in the presidential committee on power sector reforms, set-up by the later ex-president Umaru Yar Adua.

Joe Ajaero is the current national president of the Nigerian labor congress (NLC), he is the general secretary of the Nigerian union of electricity employees

Joe Ajaero net worth

Joe Ajaero net worth has not yet been estimated.

Joe Ajaero wife

Joe Ajaero is married with Kids

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Joe Ajaero state of origin?

He hails from Imo state.

What is Joe Ajaero net worth?

Joe Ajaero net worth has not yet been estimated.


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