Fidelis Anosike biography, net worth, career, age, marriage, state of origin, education and more

Fidelis Anosike biography, net worth, career, age, marriage, state of origin, education and more

Read all about Fidelis Anosike biography and net worth.

Fidelis Anosike is a Nigeria publisher, entrepreneur and businessman, he is the founder of Folio Media Group and the owner of Daily times newspaper.

He is also the owner of African times network and the founder of the Miss Nigeria pageant show.

Fidelis Anosike made headlines after his relationship with popular Nollywood Actress Rita Dominic was made public.

If you want to read all about Fidelis Anosike biography Fidelis Anosike net worth, Fidelis Anosike career, Fidelis Anosike age, Fidelis Anosike marriage, Fidelis Anosike state of origin, Fidelis Anosike education, Fidelis Anosike social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile Fidelis Anosike:


Fidelis Anosike profile

Fidelis anosike biography

Name: Fidelis Anosike

Date of birth: 1966

Age: 56 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Publisher, Businessman, Entrepreneur

Net worth: $3 million

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Fidelis Anosike biography (Early life)

Fidelis Anosike was born in Imo state in a family of 8, 5 boys and 3 girls. His father was a police officer who is now late, and his mother is Joy Ementa Anosike.

Fidelis Anosike education

Fidelis graduated from the University of Benin with a degree in Creative & Applied fine arts. He also has a degree from the Harvard business school.

Fidelis Anosike career

Fidelis started Folio media group after he graduated from the University. The objective of the digital communication company is to offer services such as advertising, publishing, printing, distribution, marketing, news & events and entertainment.

He is also the owner of Daily times newspaper which was founded in 1926, he acquired the company sometime in 2007.

Fidelis is the founder of African times network (ATN) and the founder of the Miss Nigeria pageant show.

Fidelis Anosike marriage

Fidelis Anosike made headlines after his relationship with popular Nollywood Actress Rita Dominic was made public. They got married in April 19th, 2022.

He has also been previously married twice to Chioma and Sidi.

Fidelis Anosike net worth

Fidelis Anosike net worth has been estimated at $3 million. He is the owner of daily times newspaper, founder of African times network (ATN).

Fidelis Anosike social media

If you want to follow him on social media, you can do that via the following channels:

Instagram: @fidelisanosike

Twitter: @fidelisanosike

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Read my Peggy ovire biography and net worth

Has fidelis Anosike been married before?

He has also been previously married twice to Chioma and Sidi.

What is Fidelis Anosike net worth?

Fidelis Anosike net worth has been estimated at $3 million. He is the owner of daily times newspaper, founder of African times network (ATN).

Where is Fidelis Anosike from?

He hails from Anambra state.


Thank you for reading my Fidelis Anosike biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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