Peggy Ovire net worth, biography, career, age, marriage, education, state of origin and more

Peggy Ovire net worth, biography, career, age, marriage, education, state of origin and more

Read all about Peggy Ovire net worth and biography.

Peggy Ovire is a Nigerian model, actress, movie producer, entrepreneur and TV personality. She is well known for featuring in several high profile movies.

Peggy started her career as a model before pursuing a career in acting. Her first movie was a Uche Nancy produced movie.

She first came into the public limelight after she featured in the movie Husbands of Lagos and has since gone on to feature in numerous movies.

If you want to read all about Peggy Ovire net worth, Peggy Ovire biography, Peggy Ovire career, Peggy Ovire age, Peggy Ovire marriage, Peggy Ovire education, Peggy Ovire state of origin, Peggy Ovire movies, Peggy Ovire husband and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Actress Peggy Ovire:


Peggy Ovire profile

Peggy ovire biography

Name: Peggy Ovire Enoho

Also known as: Ego Oyibo

Date of birth: October 21st 1985

Age: 37 years’ old

Occupation: Actress, movie producer, entrepreneur and model

Nationality: Nigerian

State of origin: Delta state

Net worth: $200,000

Associated acts: Frederick Leonard, Uche Jombo, Chinenye Nnebe

Read all about Chinenye Nnebe biography and net worth

Peggy Ovire biography (Early life)

Peggy Ovire was born on the 21st of October 1985 in Lagos state, Nigeria. She was the last born in a family of Six.

Peggy Ovire hails from Ughelli, Delta state.

Peggy Ovire education

Peggy Ovire had her primary school education at the Hire nursery & primary school in Surulere, Lagos and her secondary education at the AUD secondary school, surulere Lagos state.

She then proceeded to the Delta state university, but she completed her education at the Ambrose Alli University, where she studied Banking and finance.

Peggy Ovire career

Peggy Ovire started her career as a model, she won the most beautiful girl on Campus (DELSU) in 2003, she was also Miss Tourism Delta state.

Peggy Finished second at the Most beautiful girl pageant in 2005.

According to Peggy, her first movie was produced by Nancy Uche and she has since gone on to feature in numerous film, one of which was “Husbands of Lagos” which brought her to the limelight.

Peggy Ovire movies

The below are some of the movies she has featured in:

A long Night, Royal switch, Game changer, Playing with heart, Marry me Yes or No, Last engagement, Hell proof, Baby boy, long shadow etc.

Peggy Ovire marriage

Peggy Ovire is set to wed popular Movie actor Frederick Leonard in November. The engagement was announced on her Instagram page, where she shared the photo of a ring on her fingers and caption it “I said yes”.

Peggy Ovire awards & nominations

She was nominated for the Most promising actress of the year at the 2015 City people entertainment awards

Peggy Ovire net worth

Peggy Ovire net worth has been estimated at $200,000. She makes money from featuring in Movies and as a movie producer.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Peggy Ovire?

Peggy Ovire is 37 years old as at 2022.

What is Peggy Ovire net worth?

Peggy Ovire net worth has been estimated at $200,000. She makes money from featuring in Movies and as a movie producer.

Read my Sharon OOja biography and net worth

Thank you for reading my Peggy Ovire biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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