P.Priime biography, net worth, age, record label, education, career and more.

P.Priime biography, net worth, age, record label, education, career and more.

Read all about P-Priime biography and net worth.

P.Priime whose real name is Peace Emmanuel Oredope is a Nigerian record producer, singer and song writer. He is one of the leading new school record producers, and has worked with many popular acts like Zlatan ibile, DJ cuppy, Olamide, Fireboy DML and many others.

P-Priime took up interest at a very young age and started playing drums at the age of four, as well as learning how to play the piano at age 8.

A graduate of the Sarz academy he has produced hit songs like “Gelato” by DJ Cuppy, “Like I do” by Fireboy DML” and many more.

If you want to read all about P-Priime biography, P-Priime net worth, P-Priime age, P-Priime record label, P-Priime education, P-Priime education, P-Priime career, P-Priime girlfriend, P-Priime nominations & awards, P-Priime social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…

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The below is the profile of Music Producer P-Priime:

P.Priime profile

P.Priime biography

Real name: Peace Emmanuel Oredope

Date of birth: 28th of March 2002

Age: 20 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Occupation: Music producer, singer, song writer

Record label: Incubation factory entertainment limited

Nationality: Nigerian

Associated acts: Olamide, Sarz, Zlatan ibile

Net worth: N/A


P.Priime biography (Early life)

P-Priime whose real name is Peace Emmanuel Oredope was born on the 28th of March 2002 in Lagos state to an Anglican family.

He started playing drums at the tender age of four, and also learnt how to play the piano at the age of 8.

According to him, he is from a Music family, so it was only natural that he himself would develop a passion for it.

P.Priime education

P-Priime completed his primary school education in Lagos state, where he obtained his first school leaving certificate. He also completed his secondary education in Lagos state and obtained his west African senior school certificate.

P.Priime career

Peace started playing drums at the tender age of four, and also learnt how to play the piano at the age of 8.

According to him, he got into music production after he finished secondary school because he was bored. He taught himself how to make beats using the FL studio software.

He was later accepted to the Sarz academy, after he reluctantly sent an application. In an interview, he said he learnt a lot from the sarz academy, and it helped groom him into the producer he is today.

P-Priime is managed by Mrs Cake, who he says helps connect him with any artiste that he wants to work with.

P.Priime nominations & awards


P.Priime net worth

P-Priime net worth has not yet been estimated. He mentioned that his manager ensures he gets paid for every work he does.

As one of the leading new school music producers in Nigeria, he is in hot demand and as such his net worth should be an interesting read in the next few years.

P.Priime social media

If you want to follow P-Priime on social media, you can do that via the following channels:

Instagram: @P-Priime

Twitter: @PriimeBeatz

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Read about DJ Ecool biography and net worth

What is P.priime real name?

P-Priime real name is Peace Emmanuel Oredope

What is the name of P.Priime record label?

P-Priime is signed to Incubation factory entertainment limited


Thank you for reading my P-Priime biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.



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