Wizard Chan biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, real name, social media and more

Wizard Chan biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, real name, social media and more

Read all about Wizard Chan biography and net worth

Wizard Chan is a Nigerian singer and song writer, he is mostly known for his song “Earth song” which made it to the Nigerian Apple top 100.

Before the success of “Earth song”, Wizard Chan had released other songs like Truth, Miss You, Yolo, Halo Halo and many more.

If you want to read all about Wizard Chan biography, Wizard Chan net worth, Wizard Chan career, Wizard Chan age, Wizard Chan state of origin, Wizard Chan education, Wizard Chan real name, Wizard Chan social media, Wizard Chang songs, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Wizard Chan:

Read my post on Libianca biography and net worth

Wizard Chan profile

Wizard chan biography

Real name: Fuayefika Maxwell

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Rivers state

Place of birth: Port Harcourt

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Singer, song writer

Wizard Chan biography (Early life)

Wizard Chan is a singer and song writer who hails from Port Harcourt. Not much information is available about his early life and family.

Wizard Chan education

Information on his education is not currently available.

Wizard Chan career

Wizard Chan is mostly known for his song “Earth song” which made it to the Nigerian Apple top 100.

Before the success of “Earth song”, Wizard Chan had released other songs like Truth, Miss You, Yolo, Halo Halo and many more.

Wizard Chan songs

Some of Wizard Chan songs are:

  1. Truth
  2. Miss You
  3. Yolo
  4. Halo Halo

Wizard Chan social media

Instagram: @wizard.chan

Twitter: @_wizardChan_

Wizard Chan net worth

Wizard Chan net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Wizard Chan from?

He is from Port Harcourt

What is Wizard Chan real name?

His real name is Fuayefika Maxwell


Thank you for reading my Wizard Chan biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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