Ifeanyi Obike biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, education, social media and more
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Read all about Ifeanyi Obike biography and net worth.
Ifeanyi Obike is a Nigerian businessman, philanthropist and politician. He is the founder and chairman of the board of Obike Group and the Ifeanyi Obike foundation.
Ifeanyi Obike has investments across different industries like food, real estate, transportation, education and many more.
He’s net worth has been estimated to get as high as 43.7 billion dollars in 2030.
If you want to read all about Ifeanyi Obike biography, Ifeanyi Obike net worth, Ifeanyi Obike age, Ifeanyi Obike state of origin, Ifeanyi Obike career, Ifeanyi Obike education, Ifeanyi Obike social media and more, then you are in the right place.
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Let’s get into it then…
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The below is the profile of Ifeanyi Obike:
Ifeanyi Obike profile
Name: Ifeanyi Obike
Date of birth: 13th December
Age: N/A
State of origin: Anambra state
Nationality: Nigerian
Profession: Businessman, entrepreneur and Politician
Net worth: $43.7 billion
Ifeanyi Obike biography (Early life)
Ifeanyi Obike hails from Anambra state in the eastern part of Nigeria. He was born on the 13th of December in the 1980s.
Ifeanyi Obike education
Information on his education is not currently available
Ifeanyi Obike career
Ifeanyi Obike is a Nigerian businessman, philanthropist and politician. He is the founder and chairman of the board of Obike Group and the Ifeanyi Obike foundation.
Ifeanyi Obike has investments across different industries like food, real estate, transportation, education and many more.
Ifeanyi Obike net worth
Ifeanyi Obike net worth has been estimated to get as high as 43.7 billion dollars in 2030.
Ifeanyi Obike social media
Instagram: @ifeanyi_obike
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Where is Ifeanyi Obike from?
He is from Anambra state
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