Logos Olori biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, songs, social media and more

Logos Olori biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, songs, social media and more

Read all about Logos Olori biography and net worth.

Logos Olori is a Nigerian singer, producer and song writer who came into the limelight after he was signed to the DMW 2.0 record label by Nigerian music superstar Davido.

Logos Olori initially started his career as a producer and worked on the “Mr Money with the Vibe album” with Asake.

His music is inspired by the likes of Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Davido and Wizkid.

Logos Olori was announced as one of the two signees that have been signed to the DMW 2.0 and is set to feature on the Davido “Timeless” album.

If you want to read all about Logos Olori biography, Logos Olori net worth, Logos Olori age, Logos Olori career, Logos Olori education Logos Olori state of origin, Logos Olori songs, Logos Olori social media, Logos Olori record label and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Logos Olori:

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Logos Olori profile

Name: Olamilekan Emeka

Date of birth: 30th March 1999

Age: 24 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Singer, song writer and producer

Net worth: N/A

Record label: DMW 2.0


Logos Olori biography (Early life)

Logos Olori whose real name is Olamilekan Emeka was born on the 30th of March 1999 and hails from Lagos state.

Logos Olori education

Logos Olori completed his primary and secondary education and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate. He graduated from the Lagos state Polytechnic

Logos Olori career

Logos Olori initially started his career as a producer and worked on the “Mr Money with the Vibe album” with Asake.

His music is inspired by the likes of Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Davido and Wizkid.

Logos Olori was announced as one of the two signees that have been signed to the DMW 2.0 and is set to feature on the Davido “Timeless” album.

Logos Olori songs

The below are some of Logos Olori songs:

  1. Only you
  2. Logos party
  3. Palliative
  4. Irregular
  5. Dissolve Me
  6. Shine
  7. Influencer baby

Logos Olori net worth

Logos Olori net worth has not been estimated yet.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Logos Olori real name?

His real name is Olamilekan Emeka.

How old is Logos Olori?

He is 24 years old.


Read my Mayorkun biography and net worth

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