Kenny Blaq biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more.

Kenny Blaq biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more.

Read all about Kenny blaq biography and net worth.

Kenny Blaq is a Nigerian singer and stand-up comedian who was born in Ejigbo, Lagos state Nigeria. He is one of the most recognized comedians in Nigeria.

He started his career in 2008 and has performed in popular comedy shows like AY live, Crack Ya Ribs, Laff Mattaz, Lord of the ribs and many more.

Kenny blaq also has his own show named “Oxymoron of Kenny blaq” and has performed in big events both home and abroad.

If you want to read all about Kenny blaq biography, Kenny blaq net worth, Kenny blaq career, Kenny blaq age, Kenny blaq state of origin, Kenny blaq wife, Kenny blaq education, Kenny blaq twin sister and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Kenny blaq:


Kenny blaq profile

Kenny blaq biography

Real name: Otolorin Kehinde Peter

Date of birth: 30th of September 1992

Age: 30 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Comedian, Singer

Net worth: $1 million

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Kenny blaq biography (Early life)

Kenny blaq was born on the 30th of September 1992 in Ejigbo, Lagos state, Nigeria. He is the last born in a family of 7 children which includes two sets of twins.

Kenny Blaq education

Kenny blaq had his primary and secondary education in Ejigbo, Lagos state, where he obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

He attended the Federal radio corporation of Nigeria training school, Ikeja Lagos state.

Kenny blaq career

Blaq started his comedy career in 2008 and has performed at top comedy events within and outside Nigeria, like the below:

I laff with Mc Abbey

Gbenga Adeyinka (Laffmattaz)

Ali Baba’s (January 1st concert) & Fina – Ali

Mc Amana’s (DiSpeakable Me)

Cool FM Praise JAM

DAREY’s Love Like A Movie


BasketMouth’s (Lord of the Ribs)

Africa Laughs (Uganda)

SEKA Live (Rwanda)

ECOFEST (Sierra Leone).

Kenny Blaq performed at “Indigo at the O2” on 30 September 2018, in a self-hosted event titled “Kenny Blaq – ‘State of Mind’”. He also performed for “Indaba X” during “The Laughing Leopard Comedy” at Royal Festival Hall.

Kenny blaq is well known for spicing up is comedy with hilarious musical performances, which makes him truly unique in the industry.

Kenny blaq’s show the Oxymoron of Kenny blaq won Best Comedy Show at the 2017 and 2018 Naija 102.3 FM Comedy Awards for the first two years during its three-year run.

Blaq was recognized in 2018 as one of the 100 most influential youths in Africa, after winning The Future Awards Africa prize for comedy in the Year 2017 and in 2020, received the Ooni Youth Royal Award.

In 2021, a comedy special shot by Blaq in Lagos debuted on popular video streaming platform Netflix, making him the first home based comedian out of West Africa to get his production fully licensed by the platform.

Kenny blaq awards

Upcoming comedian of the year at the Naija FM comedy awards in 2015

Best Comedy Act Nigeria at the MEAMA awards

Best Comedian of the year at the Naija FM Comedy awards

Best Music Comedian at the Humor awards

Comedian of the year at the MAYA awards

Kenny blaq wife

Kenny blaq is not yet married as at the time of writing this article. According to him, finding love as a celebrity has not been very easy.

Kenny blaq net worth

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Kenny blaq net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He makes money as a stand-up comedian and has performed in some of the biggest shows in Nigeria and outside Nigeria.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What state is Kenny blaq from?

Kenny blaq is from Lagos state.

Is Kenny blaq married?

Kenny blaq is not yet married as at the time of writing this article. According to him, finding love as a celebrity has not been very easy.

Who is Kenny blaq wife?

Kenny blaq is not yet married

Does Kenny blaq have a twin sister?

Yes, he does. His mother gave birth to two sets of twins.

What is Kenny blaq net worth?

Kenny blaq net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He makes money as a stand-up comedian and has performed in some of the biggest shows in Nigeria and outside Nigeria.



Thank you for reading my Kenny blaq biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.



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