Raymond Dokpesi biography, net worth, age, career, education, personal life, state of origin, death and more

Raymond Dokpesi biography, net worth, age, career, education, personal life, state of origin, death and more

Read all about Raymond Dokpesi biography and net worth.

Raymond Dokpesi is a Nigerian businessman and entrepreneur, he is popularly known as the founder of AIT (African independent television).

Raymond graduated from the University of Gdansk in Poland were he got a doctorate degree in Marine engineering.

He started out his career as the personal assistant for Alhaji Banaga Tukur, one of the general manager of the Nigerian port authority. Raymond Dokpesi also worked as a civil servant in the Federal ministry of transport.

If you want to read all about Raymond Dokpesi biography, Raymond Dokpesi net worth, Raymond Dokpesi age, Raymond Dokpesi career, Raymond Dokpesi education, Raymond Dokpesi personal life, Raymond Dokpesi state of origin, Raymond Dokpesi death and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Raymond Dokpesi


Raymond Dokpesi profile

Name: Raymond Dokpesi

Date of birth: 25th October 1951

Age: 71 years’ old

State of origin: Edo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Businessman, Entrepreneur

Net worth: $5 million

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Raymond Dokpesi biography (Early life)

Raymond Dokpesi was born on the 25th of October 1951 in Ibadan, his parents were from Agenebode, Edo state. He was raised alongside his six sisters.

Raymond Dokpesi education

Raymond attended the Loyola College Ibadan and the Immaculate conception college (ICC) Benin city. He also graduated from the University of Benin (UNIBEN) and graduated from the University of Gdansk in Poland were he got a doctorate degree in Marine engineering.

Raymond Dokpesi career

He started out his career as the personal assistant for Alhaji Banaga Tukur, one of the general manager of the Nigerian port authority. Raymond Dokpesi also worked as a civil servant in the Federal ministry of transport.

The Nigerian media had been dominated by Government owned networks in the 90s, after the decree by the then head of state General Ibrahim Babangida which allowed private television broadcasting in Nigeria, Raymond Dokpesi founded and pioneered AIT (African independent television).

Africa Independent Television launched its signals in the United States. Presently, AIT is received in America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Europe-wide on the Hotbird satellite as well as countries within Africa.

He also founded the first private Nigerian radio station called Raypower.

Raymond Dokpesi built schools for the community and also offered scholarships to prospective students into tertiary institutions.

Raymond Dokpesi awards and honours

The below are some of Raymond Dokpesi awards and honours:

  1. the Oghieumua and Ezomo of Weppa Wanno, Edo State
  2. the Araba of Osoroland, Okpe. According to Ojewale

Raymond Dokpesi personal life

Raymond Dokpesi is married and has children. He also has gradndchildren.

Raymond Dokpesi death

Raymond Dokpesi died on the 29th of May 2023 after he had a stroke.

Raymond Dokpesi net worth

Raymond Dokpesi net worth has been estimated at $5 million. He is the founded of the first private broadcasting network in Nigeria AIT.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Read all about Ifeanyi Obike biography and net worth

Where is Raymond Dokpesi from?

He is from Edo state but was born In Ibadan

What is Raymond Dokpesi net worth?

Raymond Dokpesi net worth has been estimated at $5 million. He is the founded of the first private broadcasting network in Nigeria AIT.

How old is Raymond Dokpesi?

He is 71 years’ old


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