Elizabeth Jack Rich biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life and more

Elizabeth Jack Rich biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life and more

Read all about Elizabeth Jack Rich biography and net worth

Elizabeth Jack Rich, is a philanthropist, an entrepreneur and business mogul. She is the wife of the CEO of Belemaoil Tein Jack Rich.

She is also the Chief Executive Officer of Elin Group Limited. Rich Aid Foundation (EJRAF); a non-profit organization Founded by Dr. Elizabeth Jack-Rich is an organization with a vision to empower youth and women, eradicate poverty, promote education, health and financial inclusion whilst preventing child and drug abuse in underserved communities in Nigeria.

If you want to read all about Elizabeth Jack Rich biography, Elizabeth Jack Rich net worth, Elizabeth Jack Rich age, Elizabeth Jack Rich career, Elizabeth Jack Rich state of origin, Elizabeth Jack Rich education, Elizabeth Jack Rich personal life, Elizabeth Jack Rich husband and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Elizabeth Jack Rich:


Elizabeth Jack Rich profile

Name: Elizabeth Jack Rich

Date of birth: May 18th 1993

Age: 30 year’s old

State of origin: Ondo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Businesswoman and entrepreneur

Net worth: $30 million

Read all about Jack Rich biography and net worth

Elizabeth Jack Rich biography (Early life)

Dr. Elizabeth was born on the 18th of May 1993 into the humble family of Mr. W.J Isaac, a Jewish National from Israel and a Nigerian mother from Ondo State.

Elizabeth Jack Rich education

Dr. Elizabeth is a product of USAM University Port-Novo, the University of Cambridge UK and Entrepreneurship Essentials graduate of Harvard University USA. Dr. Elizabeth is a recipient of various awards including, The African Child Award, Nigeria Entrepreneur’s Award, to mention but a few.

Elizabeth Jack Rich career

Elizabeth Jack Rich, is a philanthropist, an entrepreneur and business mogul. She is the wife of the CEO of Belemaoil Tein Jack Rich.

She is also the Chief Executive Officer of Elin Group Limited, a Lagos based consortium with a branch in the U.S, and with diverse investments in Real Estate development, Power Generation, Agricultural Development, Gas utilization, Mining Operations, Maritime and Aviation.

Rich Aid Foundation (EJRAF); a non-profit organization Founded by Dr. Elizabeth Jack-Rich is an organization with a vision to empower youth and women, eradicate poverty, promote education, health and financial inclusion whilst preventing child and drug abuse in underserved communities in Nigeria.

Elizabeth Jack Rich personal life

Elizabeth Jack-Rich is Happily married to her amiable husband Tein Teinbo Saturday Seleyefubara Jack-Rich and their marriage is blessed with children.

Elizabeth Jack Rich awards and achievements

Dr. Elizabeth Jack-Rich is the first African woman to be featured on the front cover of the “World Finance“ spring Issue, 2020.

The Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards, now on its 7th year announced that the Global Woman Humanitarian for Poverty Alleviation Award would be bestowed to Dr. Elizabeth Jack-Rich, the leader, an honorary Doctor, Founder of Elizabeth Jack- Rich Aid foundation.

Elizabeth Jack Rich net worth

Elizabeth Jack Rich net worth has been estimated at $30 million.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Elizabeth Jack Rich?

She is 30 years’ old as at 2023.

What is Elizabeth Jack Rich net worth?

Elizabeth Jack Rich net worth has been estimated at $30 million.



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