Obidiz biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, songs, phone number, social media and more

Obidiz biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, songs, phone number, social media and more

Read all about Obidiz biography and net worth

Obidiz is a Nigerian singer and song writer who hails from Port Harcourt, Rivers state. Obidiz is in the limelight after being sued by Nigerian gospel singer Mercy Chinwo for 2 billion naira.

Obidiz started singing at an early age and already has a 17 track album to his name featuring other budding artistes like Mr. Drill, Bukwild, Femi Large, Nut Case and C’Henry.

He is mostly known for his song “Mercy Chinwo” which is now infamous for the controversy it has caused online.

If you want to read all about Obidiz biography, Obidiz net worth, Obidiz career, Obidiz age, Obidiz state of origin, Obidiz songs, Obidiz phone number, Obidiz social media, Obidiz education and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Obidiz:

Read my Pastor Blessed Uzochikwa biography and net worth

Obidiz profile

Name: Emeka Chika

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Rivers state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Singer and song writer

Net worth: N/A



Obidiz biography (Early life)

Obidiz grew up in Marine base Port Harcourt in Rivers state. He has regularly spoken about his humble beginnings.

Obidiz education

Not much information is available about Obidiz education

Obidiz career

Obidiz is mostly known for his song “Mercy Chinwo” which is now infamous for the controversy it has caused online.

Obidiz started singing at an early age and already has a 17 track album to his name titled “The Future” featuring other budding artistes like Mr. Drill, Bukwild, Femi Large, Nut Case and C’Henry.

He is currently signed to the Record label “Math Recordz”.

Obidiz social media

Obidiz can be followed via the following channels:


Instagram: @obidiz

Phone number: 08137812160

Obidiz net worth

Read all about Mercy Chinwo biography and net worth

Obidiz net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Obidiz from?

He hails from Port Harcourt, Rivers state

How old is Obidiz?



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