Morravey biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, social media, age and more

Morravey biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, social media, age and more

Read all about Morravey biography and net worth.

Morravey is a Nigerian singer and song writer who is currently signed to the DMW 2.0 record label which is owned by Nigerian music superstar Davido.

She regularly posts videos of her singing covers of different songs on her social media accounts like Instagram and TikTok. One of her videos was a cover of Ayra starr “RUSH” which got more than half a million views on TikTok.

Morravey was announced alongside Logos Olori as one of the two artistes that have been signed to Davido’s DMW 2.0 and is set to feature on his “Timeless” Album.

If you want to read all about Morravey biography, Morravey net worth, Morravey career, Morravey education, Morravey state of origin, Morravey social media, Morravey age, Morravey songs and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Morravey


Morravey profile

Name: Daniella Daniel

Date of birth: March 2004

Age: 19 years’ old

State of origin: Rivers state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Singer

Net worth: N/A


Morravey biography (Early life)

Morravey was born in March 2004 and hails from Port Harcourt in Rivers state. She started singing at a very young age and developed on her passion for singing by taking part in singing contests.

Morravey education

Morravey has completed her primary and secondary school education and is currently a student at the Rivers state University, where she is studying a Medical course.

Morravey career

Morravey regularly posts videos of her singing covers of different songs on her social media accounts like Instagram and TikTok. One of her videos was a cover of Ayra starr “RUSH” which got more than half a million views on TikTok.

Morravey was announced alongside Logos Olori as one of the two artistes that have been signed to Davido’s DMW 2.0 and is set to feature on his “Timeless” Album.

Morravey social media

Instagram: @Morravey

Morravey net worth

Morravey net has not yet been estimated

Read my Isreal DMW biography and net worth

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Morravey real name?

Her real name is Daniella Daniel

Where is Morravey from?

Morravey hails from Rivers state.




Thank you for reading my Morravey biography and net worth. If you have any corrections, you can visit our contact page.

Remember to leave us a comment and also share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again.

One comment

  1. I thank God that you are opportuned to be signed into a super Star’s record label (DMW)by OBO .
    I blessed your career
    Love you morravey
    Thank you Davido for been kind to her, morravey Rivers state’s first lady,

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