Mabel Makun biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more

Mabel Makun biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more

Read all about Mabel Makun biography and net worth.

Mabel Makun is a Nigerian interior designer, actress and entrepreneur who is married to popular Nigerian comedian and actor Ayo Makun, popularly known as AY.

Mabel Makun got married to AY sometime in 2008 and their union as so far been blessed with two kids.

She is the CEO of Midas interiors Limited and she featured in the popular Netflix movie Alakada Reloaded.

If you want to read all about Mabel Makun biography, Mabel Makun net worth, Mabel Makun career, Mabel Makun education, Mabel makun state of origin, Mabel Makun age, Mabel Makun social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Mabel Makun:

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Mabel Makun profile

Mabel makun biography

Name: Mabel Makun

Date of birth: 30th of March 1986

Age: 36 year’s old

State of origin: Delta state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Interior designer and entrepreneur

Net worth: $500,000


Mabel Makun biography (Early life)

Mabel Makun was born on the 30th of March 1986 in Delta state. Not much is known about her father, sisters, brothers and mother.

Mabel Makun education

Mabel Makun graduated from the Delta state University (DELSU) where she bagged a degree in Business administration.

She then proceeded to the University of London where she studied Art.

Mabel Makun career

Mabel Makun is an interior designer and entrepreneur, she is the CEO of Midas interiors Limited.

Mabel Makun featured in the popular Netflix movie “Alakada reloaded”.

Mabel Makun husband

Mabel Makun got married to popular Nigerian comedian and actor Ayo Makun, popularly known as AY sometime in 2008.

AY is a comedian and actor who has featured in Numerous record breaking movies and is also the founder of the popular show AY Live.

Their marriage is blessed with two daughters.

Mabel Makun net worth

Mabel Makun net worth has been estimated at $500,000. she is the CEO of Midas interiors Limited.

Mabel Makun social media

You can follow Mabel on social media via the following channels:

Instagram: @therealmabelmakun

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Mabel Makun?

She is 36 years old as at 2022.

Where is Mabel makun from?

She hails from Asaba, Delta state.

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