Mr Jollof biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, wife and more

Mr Jollof biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, wife and more

Read all about Mr. Jollof biography and net worth

Mr. Jollof is a Nigerian comedian, politician and media activist. He is known for his controversial and usually funny takes on trending issues in the country and abroad.

Mr. Jollof usually posts his reaction to trending topics on his Instagram page, he is known for the slangs like “Doings”, “Everywhere stew” and “Doings”.

He ran for the position of House of representative Delta state, Warri federal constituency in 2019.

If you want to read all about Mr. Jollof biography, Mr. Jollof net worth, Mr Jollof career, Mr Jollof education, Mr Jollof state of origin, Mr Jollof wife, Mr Jollof age and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Comedian Mr Jollof

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Mr Jollof profile

Mr jollof biography

Real name: Freedom Atsepoyi

Date of birth: August 13th, 1987

Age: 35 years’ old

State of origin: Delta state

Occupation: Politician, Comedian, Media activist

Net worth: $300,000


Mr Jollof biography

Mr Jollof whose real name is Freedom Atsepoyi, is a Nigerian comedian, media activist and politician. He was born on the 13th of August 1987 in Delta state.

Mr Jollof education

Mr Jollof completed his primary and secondary education and got his first school leaving certification and west African senior school certificate.

He graduated from the Benson Idahosa University Benin City, Edo state where he studied Political science & Public administration.

Mr Jollof career

Mr Jollof started his career in 2017 when he started posting his reaction to trending topics on his Instagram page, he is known for the slangs like “Them go hear word”, “Doings”, “Everywhere stew” and “Doings”. His name “Jollof” was gotten from the fact that everyone loves jollof rice.

He has been managed to gather a massive following of over 1 million on Instagram in a very short period of time.

Mr. Jollof ran for the position of House of representative Delta state, Warri federal constituency in 2019.

He is the CEO of doingstv and the rich and famous fest.

Mr Jollof wife

Mr Jollof is married and the marriage is blessed with children. The name of his wife is not yet known.

Mr Jollof net worth

Mr Jollof net worth has been estimated at $300,000. He is the CEO of doingstv and the rich and famous fest.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Mr. jollof real name?

Mr Jollof real name is Freedom Atsepoyi

Where is Mr. Jollof from?

Mr Jollof is from Delta state.

Read my Mr. Macaroni biography and net worth

Thank you for reading my Mr Jollof biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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