Cynthia Obi Uchendu (Cynthia Obianodo) biography, net worth, father, education, state of origin and more

Cynthia Obi Uchendu (Cynthia Obianodo) biography, net worth, father, education, state of origin and more

Read all about Cynthia Obi Uchendu biography and net worth.

Cynthia Obi Uchendu nee Cynthia Obianodo is the wife of Big brother naija presenter Ebuka Obi Uchendu and the daughter of billionaire Vincent Obianodo.

Her father Vincent amaechi Obianodo is the owner of Young shall grow motors, Rockview Hotels, Vineegas, Vineeoil.

She got married to Ebuka Obi Uchendu on the 6th of February 2016 and the union has so far been blessed with two daughters.

If you want to read all about Cynthia Obianodo biography, Cynthia Obianodo net worth, Cynthia Obianodo education, Cynthia Obianodo state of origin, Cynthia Obi Uchendu age, Cynthia Obi Uchendu father and many more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Cynthia Obi Uchendu:


Cynthia Obi Uchendu profile

Cynthia obi uchendu biography

Name: Cynthia Obi Uchendu, Cynthia Obianodo

Date of birth: 6th of February 2016

Age: 32 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: N/A

Occupation: Fashion, Entrepreneur

Father: Vincent Amaechi Obianodo

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Cynthia Obi Uchendu biography

Cynthia was born on the 6th of February 2016 in Anambra state Nigeria into a family of 7, she is the daughter of billionaire businessman Vincent Amaechi Obianodo, who is the owner of Young Shall Grow motors, Rockview, YSG Dredging, Vineegas, Vineeoil and a few other companies.

She previously worked as a human resource manager in her father’s company but now owns her own fashion brand.

Cynthia Obi Uchendu education

Cynthia had her primary school education in Corona Secondary school, where she obtained his first school leaving certificate. she also completed his secondary education in Anambra state and obtained her west African senior school certificate.

She then attended the University of Hertfordshire were she studied Human resources management.

Cynthia Obi Uchendu marriage

Cynthia is married to BBnaija presenter Ebuka Obi Uchendu. They got married on the 6th of February 2016 and the union has been blessed with two daughters.

Cynthia Obi Uchendu net worth

Cynthia Obi Uchendu net worth has not yet been estimated. She is the daughter of billionaire businessman Vincent Amaechi Obianodo, who is the owner of Young Shall Grow motors, Rockview, YSG Dredging, Vineegas, Vineeoil and a few other companies.

Cynthia Obi Uchendu social media

If you want to follow Cynthia on social media, you can do that via the following channels:


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What state is Cynthia Obi Uchendu from?

She’s from Anambra state.

Who is Cynthia Obi Uchendu father?

Her father is billionaire businessman Vincent Amaechi Obianodo, who is the owner of Young Shall Grow motors, Rockview, YSG Dredging, Vineegas, Vineeoil and a few other companies.

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