Robert Clark biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, nationality, father, mother, education and more

Robert Clark biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, nationality, father, mother, education and more

Read all about Robert Clark biography and net worth

Robert Clark is a Nigerian legal practitioner who is regularly seen on Channels Television station. His father was British while his mother was Hausa-Fulani from Bauchi.

Robert Clark attended the CMS Grammar school before moving to the Abeokuta grammar school in Ogun state.

Robert Clark is a Senior advocate of Nigeria.

If you want to read all about Robert Clark biography, Robert Clark net worth, Robert Clark age, Robert Clark career, Robert Clark state of origin, Robert Clark nationality, Robert Clark father, Robert Clark mother, Robert Clark education and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Robert Clark:

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Robert Clark profile

Name: Robert Clark

Date of birth: July 11th 1938

Age: 75 years’ old

Nationality: British-Nigerian

Occupation: Legal practitioner

Net worth: N/A


Robert Clark biography

Robert Clark was born on the 11th of July 1938, his father was British while his mother was Hausa-Fulani from Bauchi. His father died when he was just 4 month’s old.

He has two brothers and two sisters, although his mother had other children when she remarried.

Robert Clark education

Robert Clark attended the CMS Grammar school before moving to the Abeokuta grammar school in Ogun state.

Robert Clark career

Robert Clark is a Senior advocate of Nigeria who is regularly seen on Channels Television station.

Robert Clark marriage

Robert Clark got married in 1978. His wife was also a lawyer but stopped practicing law and now owns a boutique.

Robert Clark net worth

Robert Clark net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Robert Clark?

He is 75 years’ old


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