Ebenezer Ezo biography, net worth, career, education and movies

Ebenezer Ezo biography, net worth, career, education and movies

Read all about Ebenezer Ezo in this Ebenezer Ezo biography.

Ebenezer Ezo is a popular and fast growing Nollywood actress and model, who is well known for her role as Ezinne in the Africa Magic series “Eve” alongside Michelle Dede.

Ebenezer was a software designer before she made her entry into Nollywood, and began acting professionally sometime in 2016.

She has since gone on to feature in some popular movies like “The beginning of Obim”, “At your service”, “Last days”, “All shades of wrongs” and many more.

Ebenezer Ezo has featured alongside other popular actors like “Bolaji Ogunmola”, “Bimbo Oshin”, “Bimbo Ademoye”, “Hilda Dokubo” and others.

If you want to read about Ebenezer Ezo biography, Ebenezer Ezo net worth, Ebenezer Ezo career, Ebenezer education, Ebenezer Ezo movies, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…

Ebenezer Ezo profile

Name: Ebenezer Ezo

Nationality: Nigerian

Date of birth: November 12th

State of Origin: Uyo state

Occupation: Actress, Model.

Place of birth: Akwa ibom

Ebenezer Ezo net worth: $30,000

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Ebenezer Ezo biography

Ebenezer Ezo was born on the 12th of November in Akwa Ibom. The year of her birth is not yet known.

Ebenezer Ezo career

Ezo started out as a software designer, before she made her entry to Nollywood. She began professional acting 2016.

She is well known for her role as Ezinne in the Africa Magic series “Eve” alongside Michelle Dede.

Ezo has featured in some popular movies like “The beginning of Obim”, “At your service”, “Last days”, “All shades of wrongs”, “The lost heir” and more.

She has also featured alongside other popular actors like “Bolaji Ogunmola”, “Bimbo Oshin”, “Bimbo Ademoye”, “Hilda Dokubo” and others.

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Ebenezer Ezo education

Ezo holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Oklahoma, United states of America. She also has some few acting certificates to her name:

  1. Certificate of training in acting & speech in Texas, USA
  2. Workshop & participation for acting in films with Hilda Dokubo.
  3. Certificate of training & completion for advanced acting for film, stage & TV course.

Ebenezer Ezo movies

Some of the movies Ebenezer Ezo has featured in are:

  1. The beginning of Obim
  2. At your service
  3. Last days
  4. All shades of wrongs
  5. The lost heir
  6. Shadows in the dark

Ebenezer Ezo net worth

Ebenezer Ezo net worth has been estimated at $30,000. She is a popular and influential actress in Nigeria.

Ebenezer Ezo social media

Instagram: @eby_ezo

Thank you for reading my Ebenezer Ezo biography and net worth. If you have any addition, you can leave them in the comment section or visit our contact page.

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