Don Brymo biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, education, wife, movies and more

Don Brymo biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, education, wife, movies and more

Read all about Don Brymo biography and net worth

Don Brymo is a Nigerian movie actor who is popularly known for playing the roles of the Igwe (King) in many of his movies.

He has featured in movies like Snake battle, Land of fire, Oga Landlord, The fish girl, My beloved daughter and many more.

Don Brymo has worked with the likes of Yul Edochie, Ken Erics, Regina Daniels, Ebele Okaro, Mike Ezuronye and many more.

Don Brymo died in his sleep on the 14th of June 2023.

If you want to read all about Don Brymo biography, Don Brymo net worth, Don Brymo age, Don Brymo state of origin, Don Brymo career, Don Brymo education, Don Brymo wife, Don Brymo movies and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Nollywood actor Don Brymo:

Read all about Saint Obi biography and net worth

Don Brymo profile

Name: Brymo Uchegbu

Date of birth: November 26th, 1966

Age: 57 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actor, Movie producer and script writer

Associated acts: Yul Edochie, Ken Erics, Regina Daniels

Net worth: $100,000


Don Brymo biography (Early life)

Don Brymo Uchegbu was born on the 26th of November 1966 and hails from Anambra state in the eastern part of Nigeria.

Don Brymo education

Don Brymo completed his primary and secondary school education in Anambra state and graduated form a prestigious university in Nigeria.

Don Brymo career

Don Brymo is a Nigerian movie actor who is popularly known for playing the roles of the Igwe (King) in many of his movies.

He has featured in movies like Snake battle, Land of fire, Oga Landlord, The fish girl, My beloved daughter and many more.

Don Brymo has worked with the likes of Yul Edochie, Ken Erics, Regina Daniels, Ebele Okaro, Mike Ezuronye and many more.

Don Brymo movies

Some of Don Brymo movies are:

  1. My Beloved daughter
  2. Snake battle
  3. Land of fire
  4. No Mercy
  5. My God never sleeps
  6. Oga Landlord
  7. The fish gitl

Don Brymo personal life

Don Brymo is married and the marriage is blessed with Kids.

Don Brymo death

Don Brymo died in his sleep on the 14th of June 2023.

Don Brymo net worth

Don Brymo net worth has been estimated at $100,000.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Don Brymo from?

He hails from Anambra state

How old is Don Brymo?

He is 57 years’ old


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