Young John net worth, biography, career, age, state of origin, education, songs and more

Young John net worth, biography, career, age, state of origin, education, songs and more

Read all about Young John net worth and biography.

Young John is a Nigerian singer, song writer and music producer. He initially started out as a music producer, but has now developed into a fully fledge musical artiste.

Young John became a household name after producing numerous hit songs for artistes like Olamide, Davido, Lil Kesh and more.

He was nominated for the Producer of the year at the 2015 Nigerian entertainment awards and the headies.

Young john is currently signed to Chocolate City music and has released hit songs like Dada, Normally, Xtra Cool and more.

If you want to read all about Young John biography, Young John net worth, Young John career, Young John age, Young John state of origin, Young John education, Young John relationship, Young John parents, Young John siblings, Young John awards & nominations and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Young John


Young John profile

Young John biography

Real Name: John Saviours Udomboso

Also known as: The wicked producer

Date of birth: February 16th 1995

Age: 27 years’ old

State of origin: Uyo state

Place of birth: Ibadan, Oyo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Music producer, singer and song writer

Associated acts: Olamide, Lil kesh, Davido

Net worth: $1 million

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Young John biography (Early life)

Young John whose real name is John Saviours Udomboso is a Nigeria musical artiste who was born on the 16th of February 1995 in Ibadan, Oyo state.

Young John started playing musical instruments from a young age and he developed an interest in music, soccer, basketball, dance etc.

Not much is known about Young John family and siblings.

Young John education

Young John attended the Ideal foundation primary school, Ibadan and the GOF college, Osogbo Osun state.

He then proceeded to the University of Ibadan, where he studied Communication & Language Arts.

Young John career

Young John started playing musical instruments from a young age and formed a group called AVG along with his brothers.

He was signed to the Factory studio in 2012 and produced smash hit songs like “Story for the Gods”, “Bobo” for Olamide.

Popular known as Young John the wicked producer, he became a household name after producing numerous hit songs for artistes like Olamide, Davido, Lil Kesh and more.

He was nominated for the Producer of the year at the 2015 Nigerian entertainment awards and the headies.

In 2022, Young John announced his signing to Chocolate City and released the song “Dada” which became a smash hot and featured “Davido” in the remix.

He also released an EP titled “Love is not enough”.

Young John awards & nominations

Producer of the year at the 2015 Headies awards

Producer of the year at the 2015 Nigerian entertainment awards

African producer of the year at the 2017 Soundcity MVP awards festival

Young John songs

The below are some of Young John songs:

Xtra Cool


If you leave


Let them know

Young John produced songs

The below are some of Young John produced songs:

Story for the Gods by Olamide

Efejoku by Lil kesh

Rora by Lil kesh

Mama by Kiss Daniel

Young John social media

Read my post on DJ Ecool biography and net worth

If you want to follow Young John on social media, you can do that via the following channels:

Twitter: @youngjohn

Instagram: @younjohn

Facebook: @youngjohn


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Young John real name?

Young John real name is John saviours Udomboso

How old is Young John?

Young John is 27 years old in 2022

Where is Young John from?

Young John hails from AKwa Ibom, Uyo state



Thank you for reading my Young John net worth and biography, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

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