Pearl Cardy biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more.

Pearl Cardy biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more.

Read all about Pearl Cardy biography and net worth.

Pearl Cardy whose real name is Pearl Elizabeth Amini Hart is a Nigerian TV/Radio personality, actress, singer and presenter who is popularly known for her work with Soundcity.

She regularly hosts shows like Top 10 South Africa, Top 10 USA, Top 10 Nigeria, City Divas on Soundcity TV station and also the Weekend Central Prime time on Sound city 98.5fm.

Pearl was selected from up to a 1000 people who auditioned for the role as one of soundcity’s TV personalities.

She has also recently ventured into acting and music. Pearl has featured in a number of movies and has put out a few singles.

If you want to read all about Pearl Cardy biography, Pearl Cardy net worth, Pearl Cardy career, Pearl Cardy education, Pearl Cardy age, Pearl Cardy state of origin, Pearl Cardy boyfriend, Pearl Cardy social media handles and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Pearl Cardy:


Pearl Cardy profile

Pearl cardy biography

Real name: Pearl Elizabeth Amini Hart

Date of birth: December 20th, 1988

Age: 34 years’ old

State of origin: Rivers state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Nigerian TV/Radio personality, actress, singer and presenter

Net worth: $200,000

Associated acts: VJ Adams, Moet Abebe

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Pearl Cardy biography (Early life)

Pearl Cardy is a Nigerian TV/Radio personality, actress, singer and presenter, who was born on the 20th of December 1988 in Lagos state Nigeria. She hails from Rivers state in the south-south region of Nigeria.

She was born in a family of five (two brothers and two sisters) and her father was an actor, while her mother a caterer.

Pearl Cardy education

Pearl attended the Saint Catherine’s Model school, Surulere for her primary education, and Our lady of Apostles for her secondary education.

She then proceeded to the University of Lagos (UNILAG) where she graduated with a degree in Geography & planning.

Pearl Cardy career

Pearl was selected from up to a 1000 people who auditioned for the role as one of soundcity’s TV personalities.

She regularly hosts shows like Top 10 South Africa, Top 10 USA, Top 10 Nigeria, City Divas on Soundcity TV station and also the Weekend Central Prime time on Sound city 98.5fm.

She has also recently ventured into acting and music. Pearl has featured in a number of movies and has put out a few singles.

Pearl had roles in movies titled Kids at war, Silver spoon and Big time chicks.

Pearl Cardy boyfriend/husband

No information is available about Pearl Cardy boyfriend or husband. She likes to keep her private life very private.

Pearl Cardy net worth

Pearl Cardy net worth has been estimated at $200,000. She has been endorsed by Telecommunications giant 9mobile.

Pearl Cardy social media

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If you want to follow Pearl, you can do that via the following channels:

Instagram: @pearlcardy

Twitter: @pearlcardy

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Pearl Cardy?

Pearl Cardy is 34 years’ old

What is Pearl Cardy net worth?

Pearl Cardy net worth has been estimated at $200,000.

What state is Pearl Cardy from?

Pearl Cardy hails from Rivers state but was born in Lagos state Nigeria.


Thank you for reading my Pearl Cardy biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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