Murja Ibrahim Kunya biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, personal life, controversy and more

Murja Ibrahim Kunya biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, personal life, controversy and more

Read all about Murja Ibrahim Kunya biography and net worth

Murja Ibrahim Kunya is a Nigerian hausa tiktok content creator and skit maker, she is very popular on the platform and has thousands of followers.

She mostly makes videos in the Hausa language, mostly comedy videos and lifestyle videos. Her unique style of comedy has propelled her to popularity on the platform.

Murja Ibrahim Kunya was involved in some controversy in 2023, when she was arrested for indecent behavior, use of vulgar language and disregard for Islamic teachings.

If you want to read all about Murja Ibrahim Kunya biography, Murja Ibrahim Kunya net worth, Murja Ibrahim Kunya age, Murja Ibrahim Kunya career, Murja Ibrahim Kunya education, Murja Ibrahim Kunya state of origin, Murja Ibrahim Kunya personal life, Murja Ibrahim Kunya controversy and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Murja Ibrahim Kunya

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Murja Ibrahim Kunya profile

Name: Murja Ibrahim Kunya

Date of birth: 12th of January 1995

Age: 24 years’ old

State of origin: Kano state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: content creator, actress and skit maker


Murja Ibrahim Kunya biography

Murja Ibrahim Kunya hails from Kano state in the northern part of Nigeria, she grew up alongside her siblings in Kano state.

Murja Ibrahim Kunya education

Information on Murja Ibrahim Kunya education is not yet available on the internet

Murja Ibrahim Kunya career

Murja Ibrahim Kunya is a Nigerian hausa tiktok content creator and skit maker, she is very popular on the platform and has thousands of followers.

She mostly makes videos in the Hausa language, mostly comedy videos and lifestyle videos. Her unique style of comedy has propelled her to popularity on the platform.

She has collaborated with lots of other top TikTok content creators.

Murja Ibrahim Kunya controversy

Murja Ibrahim Kunya was involved in some controversy in 2023, when she was arrested for indecent behavior, use of vulgar language and disregard for Islamic teachings.

She received a lot of support from her online supporters clamoring for her realese.

Murja Ibrahim Kunya net worth

Murja Ibrahim Kunya net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Murja Ibrahim Kunya from?

She hails from Kano state

How old is Murja Ibrahim Kunya?

She is 24 years’ old



Thank you for reading my post on Murja Ibrahim Kunya biography and net worth and if you have any suggestions or corrections, visit our contact page. Please share the post with your friends and loved ones on social media and leave us a comment.


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