Annie Okonkwo biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, politics, age, personal life and more

Annie Okonkwo biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, politics, age, personal life and more

Read all about Annie Okonkwo biography and net worth

Annie Okonkwo is a Nigerian business mogul and politician. He was elected Nigerian senator for the Anambra central constituency in 2007.

He is a business mogul who has employed over 7000 people with his firms Reliance telecomm, Clemco industries, Modern communications, Macclean marketing communication, Sunflower Nigeria and Pentagon oil.

He contested for the Governor of Anambra state in the 2010 elections, which was won by Peter Obi.

Annie Okonkwo died on the 7th of June 2023 in the United states.

If you want to read all about Annie Okonkwo biography, Annie Okonkwo net worth, Annie Okonkwo career, Annie Okonkwo education, Annie Okonkwo state of origin, Annie Okonkwo politics, Annie Okonkwo age, Annie Okonkwo personal life and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Annie Okonkwo:

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Annie Okonkwo profile

Name: Clement Annie Okonkwo

Date of birth: 23rd May 1960

Age: 63 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Politician, Business Mogul

Party: PDP

Net worth: N/A


Annie Okonkwo biography (Early life)

Annie Okonkwo was born in Ojoto, Onitsha in Anambra state. Not much information is available about his early family.

Annie Okonkwo education

Annie Okonkwo has an advanced diploma in Management, Harvard University, an advanced diploma in commercial law and practice, University of Lagos, advanced diploma in Marketing, university of Lagos.

Annie Okonkwo career & politics

Annie Okonkwo is a Nigerian business mogul and politician. He was elected Nigerian senator for the Anambra central constituency in 2007.

He is a business mogul who has employed over 7000 people with his firms Reliance telecomm, Clemco industries, Modern communications, Macclean marketing communication, Sunflower Nigeria and Pentagon oil.

He contested for the Governor of Anambra state in the 2010 elections, which was won by Peter Obi.

Annie Okonkwo personal life

Annie Okonkwo is married with Kids.

Annie Okonkwo net worth

Annie Okonkwo net worth has not yet been estimated.

Annie Okonkwo death

Annie Okonkwo died on the 7th of June 2023 in the United states.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Annie Okonkwo from?

He hails from Anambra state.

How old is Annie Okonkwo?

He is 63 years’ old.


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