Kingsley Emu biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life, profile and more

Kingsley Emu biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life, profile and more

Read all about Kingsley Emu biography and net worth

Kingsley Emu is a Nigerian banker, politician and consultant. He is in the news after he was appointed as the secretary to the state government Delta state (SSG).

Kingsley Emu has initially worked as the senior economic adviser to former Delta state governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

He has over 20 years of experience in the banking sector and has worked in different financial institutions including commercial and merchant banks.

If you want to read all about Kingsley Emu biography, Kingsley Emu net worth, Kingsley Emu age, Kingsley Emu career, Kingsley Emu state of origin, Kingsley Emu education, Kingsley Emu personal life, Kingsley Emu profile and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Kingsley Emu:


Kingsley Emu profile

Name: Kingsley Emu

Date of birth: December 27th 1961

Age: 63 years’ old

State of origin: Delta state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Banker, politician and consultant

Net worth: $500,000

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Kingsley Emu biography (Early life)

Kingsley Emu was born on the 27th of December 1961 and hails from Owanta in Ika north east local government area in Delta state.

Kingsley Emu education

Kingsley Emu completed his primary and secondary school education in Delta state and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

He graduated with bachelors in science in sociology, in Industrial sociology and a Masters in Management psychology, all from the University of Ibadan.

He also got a Master’s in Business administration from the ESUT business school in Lagos.

Kingsley Emu is an alumnus of Goizueta business leadership school, Harvard business school and many more.

Kingsley Emu career

Kingsley Emu has over 20 years of experience in the banking sector and has worked in different financial institutions including commercial and merchant banks.

He was appointed as the commission for economic planning in delta state, he was also the commissioner for special duties, culture and tourism.

Kingsley Emu has initially worked as the senior economic adviser to former Delta state governor Ifeanyi Okowa. He was appointed as the secretary to the state government Delta state (SSG) in 2023.

Kingsley Emu is the owner of Hotel Benizia, which is a Luxurious hotel in Asaba, Delta state.

Kingsley Emu personal life

Kingsley Emu is married with Kids.

Kingsley Emu net worth

Kingsley Emu net worth has been estimated at $500,000.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Kingsley Emu from?

He hails from Owanta in Ika north east local government area in Delta state.

How old is Kingsley Emu?

He is 63 years’ old


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