Abel Ogwuche biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, personal life, profile and more

Abel Ogwuche biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, personal life, profile and more

Read all about Abel Ogwuche biography and net worth

Abel Ogwuche is a Nigerian footballer who plays as a center back for Swedish club Trelleborg. He started out as a footballer in the Tripple 44 Academy in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Abel Ogwuche has represented the Nigerian U-20, popularly known as flying eagles in the AFCON U-20 competition in 2023.

He was also called up to the squad for the FIFA U-20 world cup competition that was hosted in Argentina.

If you want to read all about Abel Ogwuche biography, Abel Ogwuche net worth, Abel Ogwuche age, Abel Ogwuche career, Abel Ogwuche state of origin, Abel Ogwuche personal life and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Abel Ogwuche:


Abel Ogwuche profile

Name: Abel Ogwuche

Date of birth: 6th of July 2003

Age: 19 years’ old

State of origin: Oyo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Footballer

Net worth: N/A

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Abel Ogwuche biography (Early life)

Abel Ogwuche was born on the 6th of July 2003, he hails from Oyo state in the western part of Nigeria.

Abel Ogwuche career

Abel Ogwuche plays as a center back for Swedish club Trelleborg. He started out as a footballer in the Tripple 44 Academy in Ibadan, Nigeria.

He went on trial at the Swedish club in 2022 and signed a short term deal with the club, before later signing a long term contract that will keep him at the club till 2026 in November 2022.

Abel Ogwuche has represented the Nigerian U-20, popularly known as flying eagles in the AFCON U-20 competition in 2023.

He was also called up to the squad for the FIFA U-20 world cup competition that was hosted in Argentina.

Abel Ogwuche net worth

Abel Ogwuche net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Abel Ogwuche from?

He hails from Oyo state


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