Bader Shammas biography, net worth, age, career, education, personal life and more

Bader Shammas biography, net worth, age, career, education, personal life and more

Read all about Bader Shammas biography and net worth

Bader Shammas is a Dubai based businessman who is popularly known as the husband of American actress Lindsay Lohan.

Bader Shammas works as the assistant vice president in a dubai based company named Credit Suisse.

He got married to Lindsay Lohan in 2022 after dating for over two years. They also announced they will be having a baby together in 2022.

If you want to read all about Bader Shammas biography, Bader Shammas net worth, Bader Shammas age, Bader Shammas career, Bader Shammas education, Bader Shammas personal life, Bader Shammas marriage and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Bader Shammas:

Read all about Eric Perrson biography and net worth

Bader Shammas profile

Name: Bader Shammas

Date of birth: 29th June 1972

Age: 50 years’ old

Profession: Businessman

Net worth: $1 million



Bader Shammas biography (Early life)

Bader Shammas was born on the 29th of June 1972. Not much information is available about his early life and family.

Bader Shammas education

Bader attended the University of South Florida and graduated with a bachelor’s in Engineering. He also got a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the John.H.Sykes college of business Florida.

Bader Shammas career

Bader Shammas after graduating started working as an associate at BNP Paribas wealth Management until 2017.

Bader Shammas works as the assistant vice president in a Dubai based company named Credit Suisse.

Bader Shammas personal life

Bader Shammas got married to Lindsay Lohan in 2022 after dating for over two years. They also announced they will be having a baby together in 2022.

Bader Shammas net worth

Bader Shammas net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He is a successful businessman who works as the assistant vice president at Credit Suisse.



Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Bader Shammas?

He is in his late 40s

What is Bader Shammas net worth?

Bader Shammas net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He is a successful businessman who works as the assistant vice president at Credit Suisse.

Are Bader Shammas and Lindsay Lohan married?

Yes, they got married in 2022 after dating for over 2 years.


Thank you for reading my Bader Shammas biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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