Hameem Nuhu Sanusi (New Emir of Dutse) biography, net worth, age, education, career and more

Hameem Nuhu Sanusi (New Emir of Dutse) biography, net worth, age, education, career and more

Read all about the New Emir of Dutse biography and net worth

Hameem Nuhu Sanusi was announced as the 22nd Emir of Dutse by the Jigawa state government after the death of his father Nuhu Muhammad Sanusi who reigned for 28 years.

Hameem Nuhu Sanusi was born in 1979 and had initially held the title of Dan’iyan Dutse before he became the Emir of Dutse.

He graduated from the Monash University (MUFY) Sunway college campus, Malaysia, where he obtained his Bsc and also his Masters’ degree.

If you want to read all about the New Emir of Dutse biography, Emir of Dutse net worth, Emir of Dutse age, Emir of Dutse education, Emir of Dutse career and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of the Emir of Dutse:

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Hameem Nuhu Sanusi profile

Name: Hameem Nuhu Sanusi

Date of birth: 1979

Age: 44 years’ old

State of origin: Jigawa state

Title: Emir of Dutse

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: N/A


Emir of Dutse biography

Hameem Nuhu Sanusi was born in 1979, his father was Nuhu Muhammad Sanusi who reigned as the Emir of Dutse for 28 years.

Emir of Dutse education

He graduated from the Monash University (MUFY) Sunway college campus, Malaysia, where he obtained his Bsc and also his Masters’ degree.

Emir of Dutse career

Hameem had initially held the title of Dan’iyan Dutse before he became the Emir of Dutse. He is the managing director of HMS energy limited.

He worked with SMD consulting from 2011 to 2016 as head of the north region, and was also the head of business development at Bilyak consulting from 2007 to 2011.

Emir of Dutse net worth

Emir of Dutse net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the new Emir of Dutse name?

His name is Hameem Nuhu Sanusi

What is the Emir of Dutse net worth?

Emir of Dutse net worth has not yet been estimated.

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