Motilola Akinlami biography, net worth, age, education, state of origin, career, husband and more

Motilola Akinlami biography, net worth, age, education, state of origin, career, husband and more

Read all about Motilola Akinlami biography and net worth.

Motilola Akinlami is a Nigerian actress, script writer and movie producer, she has featured in a number of Nigerian movies and is a well-known face in the industry.

Her first movie was Basorun gaa in 2000 which was produced by Adebayo Faleti, and she has since gone on to feature in movies like Onikaluku, Adaaba, Imo, Mirage, Ariwo Oja and many more.

Motilola Akinlami got married to Mr. Adekunle, who is an air force officer, but they split in 2021 due to “Irreconcilable differences”.

IF you want to read all about Motilola Akinlami biography, Motilola akinlami net worth, Motilola Akinlami age, Motilola Akinlami education, Motilola Akinlami state of origin, Motilola Akinlami career, Motilola Akinlami husband, Motilola Akinlami social media, Motilola Akinlami movies and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Motilola Akinlami:

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Motilola Akinlami profile

Motilola akinlami biography

Name: Motilola Akinlami Adekunle

Date of birth: 21st of January 1980’s

Age: N/A

State of origin: Ondo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: $100,000

Occupation: Actress, Script writer and movie producer


Motilola Akinlami biography (Early life)

Motilola Akinlami was born on the 21st of January in Ondo state, she grew up with her mother after her father Chief Bamikole Akinlami passed away.

Motilola Akinlami education

She started her education at the St. Raphael Kiddies school, Akure and attended the Omole Nursery & primary school also in Akure.

Motilola attended St. louis grammar school and obtained her primary school leaving certificate and west African senior school leaving certificate.

She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife in Osun state.

Motilola Akinlami movies

The below are some of Motilola Akinlami movies:





Ariwo oja



Motilola Akinlami marriage

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Motilola Akinlami got married to Mr. Adekunle, who is an air force officer, but they split in 2021 due to “Irreconcilable differences”.

The marriage was blessed with two kids.

Motilola Akinlami social media

Instagram: @motilola

Motilola Akinlami net worth

Motilola Akinlami net worth has been estimated at $100,000. She makes money as an actress and movie producer.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Motilola Akinlami from?

She hails from Ondo state

Is Motilola Akinlami married?

She was married to Mr. Adekunle, but they split in 2021.


Thank you for reading my Motilola Akinlami biography and net worth. If you have any corrections, you can visit our contact page.

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