King Perryy biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, age, songs and more

King Perryy biography, net worth, career, education, state of origin, age, songs and more

Read all about King Perryy biography and net worth.

King Perryy whose real name is Anthony Offiah is a Nigerian singer and song writer who hails from Abia state in the eastern part of Nigeria.

King Perryy is popularly known for songs like My Darlina, Big Man cruise, let me love you and many more.

He has been making music since his high school days and was influenced by artistes like Sean Paul, West life, Bob Marley and more. King Perryy has worked with lots of popular artistes like Erigga, Tekno, Timaya and more.

If you want to read all about King Perry biography, King Perry net worth, King Perry career, King Perry education, King Perry state of origin, King Perry age, King Perry songs, King Perry record label, King Perry social media, King Perry girlfriend and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…

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The below is the profile of Nigerian Singer King Perry:


King Perry profile

King perryy biography

Real name: Anthony Offiah

Date of birth: April 28th, 1994

Age: 28 years’ old

Place of birth: Port Harcourt, Rivers state

State of origin: Abia state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Singer, Song writer

Record label: Dem mama records


King Perryy biography (Early life)

King Perryy whose real name is Anthony Offiah was born in Port Harcourt, Rivers state on the 28th of April 1994. He hails from Abia state in the Eastern part of Nigeria.

King Perry education

King Perryy completed his primary and secondary school education and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school leaving certificate in Rivers state.

He graduated from the Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo state with a degree in Project management.

King Perry career

King Perry started singing during his school days, he was influenced by artistes like Sean Paul, West life, Bob Marley and more.

He was signed to Dem Mama records which is owned by Timaya after he was introduced to him by his manager.

King Perryy is popularly known for songs like My Darlina, Big Man cruise, let me love you and many more. He has worked with lots of popular artistes like Erigga, Tekno, Timaya and more.

King Perry songs

Some of King Perry songs are:

Continental boy, Citizen of the worth, African boy, Let me love you, Big man cruise, Kom Kom, My Darlina, Jojo, My girl and more

King Perryy net worth

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King Perry net worth has not yet been estimated. He makes money as a recording and performing artiste.

King Perry social media

If you want to follow King Perry on social media, you can do that via the following channels:

Instagram: @KingPerryy

Twitter: @KingPerryy

Facebook: @KingPerryy

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is King Perryy real name?

King Perryy real name is Anthony Offiah

Where is King Perryy from?

He hails from Abia state but was born in Port Harcourt, Rivers state.


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