Eyiyemi Afolayan biography, education, career, age and more.

Eyiyemi Afolayan biography, education, career, age and more.

Read all about Eyiyemi Afolayan biography and net worth.

Eyiyemi Afolayan is the daughter of award-winning film maker Kunle Afolayan. She featured in her first movie in 2022 titled “Anikulapo” which was produced by her father.

If you want to read all about Eyiyemi Afolayan biography, Eyiyemi Afolayan education, Eyiyemi Afolayan career, Eyiyemi Afolayan age, Eyiyemi Afolayan state of origin and more, then you are in the right place.

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Eyiyemi Afolayan profile

Name: Eyiyemi Afolayan

Date of birth: 17th of March 2005

Age: 17 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: actress & model

Net worth: N/A

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Eyiyemi Afolayan biography

Eyiyemi Afolayan was born on the 17th of March 2005 and is the daughter of Tolu Afolayan, she is the third child of Kunle Afolayan.

Eyiyemi Afolayan education

Not much is known yet about Eyiyemi Afolayan education. You can help us complete this biography by sending us an email.

Eyiyemi Afolayan career

Eyiyemi featured in her first movie in 2022, which is titled “Anikulapo”, a movie which was directed by her father kunle Afolayan.

She played the role of Princess Omowunmi.


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