Chinyere Wilfred biography, net worth, career, sister, age, education, awards, husband and more

Chinyere Wilfred biography, net worth, career, sister, age, education, awards, husband and more

Read all about Chinyere Wilfred biography and net worth.

Chinyere Wilfred is an award winning actress & film producer who has featured in numerous movies including Diichie, Grim, Undying, Rain of hope and many more.

She was born in Aguluezechukwu, which is a town in Anambra state and has been in the movie industry since the 1980’s.

Chinyere Wilfred has a twin sister named Chinelo Mojekwu, she also is married and has given birth to three children.

If you want to read all about Chinyere Wilfred biography, Chinyere Wilfred net worth, Chinyere Wilfred career, Chinyere Wilfred age, Chinyere Wilfred education, Chinyere Wilfred awards, Chinyere Wilfred husband, Chinyere Wilfred sister and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Actress & film producer Chinyere Wilfred:

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Chinyere Wilfred profile

Chinyere Wilfred biography

Name: Chinyere Wilfred

Age: 52 years’ old

Date of birth: March 23rd, 1970

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Actress & film producer

Net worth: $200,000


Chinyere Wilfred biography

Chinyere Wilfred is a Nigerian movie actress & producer who was born on the 23rd of March 1970 in Aguluezechukwu, a town in Anambra state.

Chinyere Wilfred education

Chinyere Wilfred had her primary school education in Anambra state, where she obtained her first school leaving certificate. she also completed his secondary education in and obtained her west African senior school certificate.

She then attended the Lagos state Polytechnic, were she graduated with a Higher National diploma in Computer science.

Chinyere Wilfred career

Chinyere developed an interest in acting at a young age and has featured in numerous movies including Diichie, Grim, Undying, Rain of hope and many more.

She has also won awards for some of her roles.

Chinyere Wilfred movies

The following are some of the movies she has featured in:

Nneka the pretty serpent

Rain of hope

Boundless love

Mama drama




Chinyere Wilfred awards

Best actress in a supporting role at Africa movie Academy awards

Best actress of the year at Africa Magic viewer’s choice awards

Best actress in a leading role at the best of Nollywood awards

Chinyere Wilfred social media

If you want to follow Chinyere Wilfred, you can do that via the following:

Chinyere Wilfred net worth

Read my Korra Obidi biography and net worth

Chinyere Wilfred net worth has been estimated at $200,000. She makes money from her movie roles and also as a producer.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Chinyere Wilfred?

Chinyere Wilfred was born on the 23rd of March 1970. She is 52 years old.

Where is Chinyere Wilfred from?

She is from Anambra state.

Is Chinyere Wilfred a twin?

Yes, she has a twin sister named Chinelo Mojekwu.


Thank you for reading my Chinyere Wilfred biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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