Joe Praize biography, net worth, career, awards, wife, state of origin, education, age and more

Joe Praize biography, net worth, career, awards, wife, state of origin, education, age and more

Read all about Joe Praize biography and net worth.

Joe Praize is a Nigerian gospel music artiste, song writer, praise & worship leader and music director who came to prominence with his song “Mighty God”

Joe Praize began to make music as early as 2005 and has released numerous songs, and has about five (5) albums to his name.

He has ministered around the world in countries like United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, Nigeria, Ghana, Italy, Cyprus, Spain and more.

If you want to read all about Joe Praize biography, Joe Praize net worth, Joe Praize career, Joe Praize awards, Joe Praize wife, Joe Praize state of origin, Joe Praize education, Joe Praize age, Joe Praize albums, Joe Praize social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Gospel singer Joe Praize:


Joe Praize profile

Joe praize biography

Name: Joseph Omo Ebhodaghe

Date of birth: June 20th, 1979

Age: 43 years’ old

State of origin: Edo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Gospel singer, song writer

Net worth: $500,000


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Joe Praize biography (Early life)

Joe Praize whose real name is Joseph Omo Ebhodaghe is a Nigerian Gospel singer & song writer who was born on the 20th of June 1979 in Edo state, Nigeria in a family of 9 children.

Joe Praize education

Joe has his primary and secondary education in Edo state, where he obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

Joseph graduated from the University of Jos, Plateau state with a degree in Social work & Administration.

Joe Praize career

Joe Praize began to make music as early as 2005 and has released numerous songs, and has about five (5) albums to his name. He came to prominence with his song “Mighty God”.

He has ministered around the world in countries like United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, Nigeria, Ghana, Italy, Cyprus, Spain and more.

Joe Praize has been nominated for numerous awards in his career.

Joe Praize awards & nominations

Song of the year at the Love world awards in 2010

Best African gospel by SABC Crown gospel awards

Worship song of the year at the Love world awards in 2011

Best artiste of the year at crystal award Nigeria

Joe Praize marriage

Joe Praize got married to Joana in 2017 and she gave birth to a baby boy on 2018.

Joe Praize albums

Mighty God

Alpha Omega

My Praise

All the praise

Most high

Joe Praize net worth

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Joe Praize net worth has been estimated at $500,000. He is one of the most sought after gospel artistes in the country.

Joe Praize social media

If you want to follow Joe Praize on social media, you can do that via the following channels:

Instagram: @joepraize_de_emperor

Twitter: @joepraize

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Joe Praize?

Joe Praize is 43 years old.

What state is Joe Praize from?

Joe Praize hails from Edo state.


Thank you for reading my Joe Praize biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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