Yhemo lee biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, real name, songs, girlfriend and more

Yhemo lee biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, real name, songs, girlfriend and more

Read all about Yhemo Lee biography and net worth.

Yhemo lee is a Nigerian singer, actor, event host and content creator. He is well known for his larger than life personality.

He featured alongside Adesua etomi, Tobi Bakre and many others in the movie “Gangs of Lagos”. As a singer he has worked alongside the likes of Asake, Chinko ekun and many more.

If you want to read all about Yhemo lee biography, Yhemo lee net worth, Yhemo lee career, Yhemo Lee age, Yhemo lee state of origin, Yhemo lee education, Yhemo lee songs, Yhemo lee girlfriend, Yhemo lee social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Yhemo lee:


Yhemo lee profile

Yhemo lee biography

Name: Idowu Adeyemi

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Osun state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Singer, actor, event host and content creator

Net worth: N/A

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Yhemo lee biography (early life)

Yhemo lee hails from the South west in Nigeria. Not much is known about his early life and family.

Yhemo lee education

Yhemo lee graduated from the Obafemi Awolowo university (OAU) with a degree in Public Administration.

Yhemo lee career

He featured alongside Adesua etomi, Tobi Bakre and many others in the movie “Gangs of Lagos”. As a singer he has worked alongside the likes of Asake, Chinko ekun and many more.

Yhemo lee net worth

Yhemo lee net worth has not yet been estimated. He makes money as an event host.

Yhemo lee social media

Instagram: @yhemo_lee


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Yhemo lee real name?

Yhemo lee real name is Idowu Adeyemi

Where is Yhemo lee from?

He is from Osun state

How old is Yhemo lee?


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