Tomi Ojo biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, movies, relationship and more

Tomi Ojo biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, movies, relationship and more

Read all about Tomi Ojo biography and net worth.

Tomi Ojo is a Nigerian actress who has featured in popular movies like “Far from home”, “Leaked”, “Love like this” and more.

According to her, she woke up one day and browsed about how to become an actress, and then started going for auditions.

Tomi Ojo is popular for playing the character “Rahila” in the very popular Netflix series “Far from home”.

If you want to read all about Tomi Ojo biography, Tomi Ojo net worth, Tomi Ojo age, Tomi Ojo state of origin, Tomi Ojo education, Tomi Ojo movies, Tomi Ojo relationship, Tomi Ojo social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Tomi Ojo:

Read my Mike Afolarin biography and net worth

Tomi Ojo profile

Tomi ojo biography

Name: Tomi Ojo

Date of birth: 1st January

Age: N/A

State of origin: N/A

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actress

Net worth: N/A


Tomi Ojo biography (Early life)

Tomi Ojo is a Nigerian actress who is mostly known for her role in “Far from home” as Rahila. Not much is known about her early life and family.

Tomi Ojo education

Not much is known about her education background. You can help us complete the biography by visiting our contact us page

Tomi Ojo career

Tomi Ojo started her acting career in 2018, and landed a role in the YouTube comedy series by Bovi “Back to School”.

She played different roles in movies like “Love Like this”, “Leaked”, “Sack letter”, “Schooled”, “Far from home”, “Survivors” and more.

According to her, she woke up one day and browsed about how to become an actress, and then started going for auditions.

Tomi Ojo is popular for playing the character “Rahila” in the very popular Netflix series “Far from home”.

Tomi Ojo net worth

Tomi Ojo net worth has not yet been estimated.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

When was Tomi Ojo born?

She was born on the 1st of January.

What is Tomi Ojo net worth?

Tomi Ojo net worth has not yet been estimated.


Thank you for reading my Tomi Ojo biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

One comment

  1. I love her role in a movie, and that’s my first time seeing her, the movie is far from home, she played marvelously, I wish her more strength to keep it up
    At same hand am hereby asking for a favour to be an actor it’s been my dream Same as looking for who can cue me in.

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