Kris Asimonye Ugboma biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin and more.

Kris Asimonye Ugboma biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin and more

Read all about Kris Asimonye Ugboma biography and net worth.

Kris Asimonye Ugboma is a Nigerian fashion entrepreneur & CEO who is married to popular Nigerian comedian Bovi Ugboma.

Kris is the CEO of goodgirlscode, which is a company that sells ready to wear female clothes.

She got married to Bovi Ugboma on the 19th of September 2009, and they have three children together, two boys and a daughter.

If you want to read all about Kris Asimonye Ugboma biography, Kris Asimonye Ugboma net worth, Kris Asimonye Ugboma career, Kris Asimonye Ugboma age, Kris Asimonye Ugboma state of origin, Kris Asimonye Ugboma marriage, Kris Asimonye Ugboma birthday and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Kris Asimonye Ugboma

Kris Asimonye Ugboma profile

Kris asimonye ugboma biography

Name: Kris Asimonye Ugboma

Date of birth: September 18th 1988

Age: 33 years’ old

State of origin:

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Fashion entrepreneur

Net worth: N/A

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Kris Asimonye Ugboma biography

Kris Asimonye Ugboma is a Nigerian fashion entrepreneur who was born on the 18th of September 1988.

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Kris Asimonye Ugboma education

Kris Asimonye Ugboma had her primary school education, where she obtained her first school leaving certificate. she also completed his secondary education in and obtained her west African senior school certificate.

Kris Asimonye Ugboma career

Kris is a fashion entrepreneur and is the CEO of goodgirlscode, which is a company that sells ready to wear female clothes.

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Kris Asimonye Ugboma marriage

Kris got married to Bovi Ugboma on the 19th of September 2009, and they have three children together, two boys and a daughter.

Kris Asimonye Ugboma net worth

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Kris net worth has not yet been estimated. She is the CEO of goodgirlscode, which is a company that sells ready to wear female clothes.

Kris Asimonye Ugboma social media

Instagram: @krisAsimonye


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