Solomon Buchi biography, net worth, education, age, career, wife, state of origin and more.

Solomon Buchi biography, net worth, education, age, career, wife, state of origin and more.

Read all about Solomon Buchi biography and net worth.

Solomon buchi is a Nigerian life coach, writer, influencer and public speaker who is known on social media for his controversial takes.

He mostly posts his takes on modern relationships, how to achieve your goals and lead a meaningful life. Some of these posts draw the ire of people which has only made him more popular.

In a short period of time, Solomon Buchi has been able to attract a significant amount of following on social media platforms like Instagram and twitter.

If you want to read all about Solomon Buchi biography, Solomon Buchi net worth, Solomon Buchi education, Solomon education, Solomon Buchi age, Solomon Buchi career, Solomon Buchi career, Solomon Buchi wife, Solomon Buchi state of origin and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Solomon Buchi

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Solomon Buchi profile

Solomon Buchi biography

Name: Solomon buchi

Date of birth: 20th October 1995

Age:  26 years’ old

Occupation: Life coach, writer, public speaker, influencer

Net worth: $50,000

State of origin: Imo state


Solomon Buchi biography

Solomon buchi was born on the 20th of October 1995 and hails from the western part of Nigeria, Imo state.

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Solomon Buchi education

Solomon Buchi had his primary school education in Imo state, where he obtained his first school leaving certificate. He also completed his secondary education in Imo state and obtained his west African senior school certificate.

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Solomon Buchi career

Solomon buchi is a writer, public speaker and life coach. He started posting his takes on different life situation on twitter where he was able to grow a large following.

His posts are usually very controversial and usually ignites series of debates on social media.

Solomon Buchi wife

Solomon buchi got engaged to Adeola Arike and announced the engagement on his social media platforms in September 2022.

He later announced that the engagement has been called off without stating the reason.

Solomon buchi social media

Read my Real Sophy biography and net worth

You can follow Solomon buchi on twitter and Instagram:



Solomon Buchi net worth

Solomon buchi net worth has been estimated at $50,000. He makes money as a writer, public speaker and influencer.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Solomon Buchi from?

Solomon buchi hails from Imo state

Who is Solomon buchi wife?

Solomon buchi got engaged to Adeola Arike in 2022


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Thank you for reading my Solomon buchi biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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Thank you once again for reading.

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