Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki biography, net worth, age, career, education, early life, state of origin, wife, father and more

Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki biography, net worth, age, career, education, early life, state of origin, wife, father and more

Read all about Akwa Okuko biography and net worth

Akwa Okuko whose real name is Chukwudozie Nwangwu is a popular Native doctor who is known for his work in business progress, favors, security, visa approval, marital issues and more

Akwa Okuko is also a businessman and is the chairman of Golden Egg hotel and also owns other businesses. He owns several cars and houses and seems to be doing really well for himself.

His father was also a traditional doctor and Akwa Okuko took over from him at a tender age of 12 years old.

If you want to read all about Akwa Okuko biography, Akwa Okuko net worth, Akwa Okuko age, Akwa Okuko career, Akwa Okuko education, Akwa Okuko early life, Akwa Okuko state of origin, Akwa Okuko wife, Akwa Okuko father and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Akwa Okuko:

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Akwa Okuko profile

Name: Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki

Date of birth: 29th January 1998

Age: 24 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Native doctor, businessman

Net worth: $500,000


Akwa Okuko biography (Early life)

Chukwudozie Nwangwu was born on the 29th of January 1998 in Umumpama town, Oba in Idemili south Local government area of Anambra state.

His father was a traditional doctor also.

Akwa Okuko education

Not much information is available on Akwa Okuko education, but he wowed his mates with his display of power by telling them things that was almost impossible for him to know.

Akwa Okuko career

Akwa Okuko is a popular Native doctor who is known for his work in business progress, favors, security, visa approval, marital issues and more

Akwa Okuko is also a businessman and is the chairman of Golden Egg hotel and also owns other businesses. He owns several cars and houses and seems to be doing really well for himself.

His father was also a traditional doctor and Akwa Okuko took over from him at a tender age of 12 years old.

Akwa Okuko wife

Akwa Okuko got married to Flourish Mmasi Chukwu from Enugu state in 2022.

Akwa Okuko net worth

Akwa Okuko net worth has been estimated at $500,000.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Akwa Okuko from?

He hails from Anambra state

What is Akwa Okuko net worth

Akwa Okuko net worth has been estimated at $500,000.


Thank you for reading my post on Akwa Okuko biography and net worth and if you have any suggestions or corrections, visit our contact page. Please share the post with your friends and loved ones on social media and leave us a comment.

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