Sule Suebebe biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life and more

Sule Suebebe biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life and more

Read all about Sule Suebebe biography and net worth

Sule Suebebe is a Veteran Yoruba movie actor who is known for his role in popular Yoruba movies. He is in the news after he solicited for help from the Nigerian public.

According to him, he doesn’t want to die in poverty and he doesn’t own a house or a car, even after featuring in many movies.

Help as come for Sule Suebebe in the form of his fellow movie actors who have helped him by taking him to the hospital, where he is set to undergo surgery.

If you want to read all about Sule Suebebe biography, Sule Suebebe net worth, Sule Suebebe age, Sule Suebebe career, Sule Suebebe state of origin, Sule Suebebe education, Sule Suebebe personal life and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Sule Suebebe:


Sule Suebebe profile

Name: Dayo Adewunmi

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: N/A

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actor, Movie maker

Read my Deza the great biography and net worth

Sule Suebebe biography (Early life)

Information on Sule Suebebe early life is not yet available

Sule Suebebe career

Sule Suebebe is a veteran Yoruba movie actor who has featured in numerous movies over the years.

He is in the news after he solicited for help from the Nigerian public.

According to him, he doesn’t want to die in poverty and he doesn’t own a house or a car, even after featuring in many movies.

Help has come for Sule Suebebe in the form of his fellow movie actors who have helped him by taking him to the hospital, where he is set to undergo surgery.


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