Olivetheboy biography, net worth, career, education, nationality, personal life, songs and more

Olivetheboy biography, net worth, career, education, nationality, personal life, songs and more

Read all about Olivetheboy biography and net worth

Olivetheboy is a Ghanaian artiste who is popularly known for his viral song “Goodsin” which has become a trend on TikTok, and has been used in numerous videos and challenges.

Olivetheboy hails from Konongo in the Ashanti region of Ghana and is an afrobeats singer, who is currently signed to Loop music.

If you want to read all about Olivetheboy biography, Olivetheboy net worth, Olivetheboy career, Olivetheboy career, Olivetheboy education, Olivetheboy nationality, Olivetheboy personal life, Olivetheboy songs and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Olivetheboy:

Read my Endurance Grand biography and net worth

Olivetheboy profile

Name: Joel Ofori Bonsu

Date of birth: October 19th 2002

Age: 21 years’ old

Nationality: Ghanaian

Profession: singer and song writer

Net worth: N/A


Olivetheboy biography (Early life)

Olivetheboy was born on the 19th of October 2002 and hails from Konongo in the Ashanti region of Ghana.

Olivetheboy education

Olivetheboy is a student of the university of Ghana.

Olivetheboy career

Olivetheboy is a Ghanaian artiste who is popularly known for his viral song “Goodsin” which has become a trend on TikTok, and has been used in numerous videos and challenges.

Olivetheboy is an afrobeats singer, who is currently signed to Loop music.

Olivetheboy net worth

Olivetheboy net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Olivetheboy from?

He hails from Konongo in the Ashanti region of Ghana

How old is Olivetheboy?

He is 21 years old as at 2023


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