Hakeem Odumosu biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, personal life and more

Hakeem Odumosu biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, personal life and more

Read all about Hakeem Odumosu biography and net worth

Hakeem Odumosu is a retired commissioner of police in Lagos state and assistant general of Police. He served in the police for 32 years before his retirement.

Hakeem Odumosu served as a chairperson of Lagos state environmental and special offences enforcement unit and also commander of the state funded rapid response squad (RRS).

He has served in various states across Nigeria like Edo state, Ogun state, Kaduna state, Nassarawa state, Oyo state and Abuja.

If you want to read all about Hakeem Odumosu biography, Hakeem Odumosu net worth, Hakeem Odumosu age, Hakeem Odumosu career, Hakeem Odumosu education, Hakeem Odumosu state of origin, Hakeem Odumosu personal life and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…

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The below is the profile of Hakeem Odumosu:


Hakeem Odumosu profile

Name: Hakeem Odumosu

Date of birth: August 24th 1966

Age: 57 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: N/A

Profession: Police officer


Hakeem Odumosu biography (Early life)

Hakeem Odumosu hails from Epe local government area in Lagos state. He was born on the 24th of August 1966.

Hakeem Odumosu education

Hakeem Odumosu has a bachelor’s degree in English language from Ahmadu bello university (ABU) in Zaria, Kaduna state.

He has a post graduate diploma in Public relations and marketing from the Nigeria institute of journalism in Lagos. Hakeem has three degrees from the University of Lagos.

Hakeem Odumosu has a master’s degree from the department of public administration at the Lagos state University.

He also has a Master’s degree in peace studies and conflict resolution from the National open university (NOUN).

Hakeem Odumosu career

Hakeem Odumosu is a retired commissioner of police in Lagos state and assistant general of Police. He served in the police for 32 years before his retirement.

Hakeem Odumosu served as a chairperson of Lagos state environmental and special offences enforcement unit and also commander of the state funded rapid response squad (RRS).

He has served in various states across Nigeria like Edo state, Ogun state, Kaduna state, Nassarawa state, Oyo state and Abuja.

Hakeem Odumosu net worth

Hakeem Odumosu net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Hakeem Odumosu from?

He hails from Lagos state.

How old is Hakeem Odumosu?

He is 57 years’ old as at 2023


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