Lydia Saint Nwafor (Saint Obi wife) biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, personal life, education and more

Lydia Saint Nwafor (Saint Obi wife) biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, personal life, education and more

Read all about Lydia Saint Nwafor biography and net worth.

Lydia Saint Nwafor is the former/ex-wife of popular Nigerian movie actor Saint Obi. She hails from Anambra state and works as the Chief Enterprise business officer at MTN Nigeria PLC.

She had been married to Saint Obi for over 15 years, and together they have three Kids, One boy and two girls.

They got divorced sometime in 2021, although the reason for their separation is not yet known to the public.

If you want to read all about Lydia Saint Nwafor biography, Lydia Saint Nwafor net worth, Lydia Saint Nwafor age, Lydia Saint Nwafor career, Lydia Saint Nwafor state of origin, Lydia Saint Nwafor personal life, Lydia Saint Nwafor education and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Lydia Saint Nwafor:


Lydia Saint Nwafor profile

Name: Lydia Saint Nwafor

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: N/A

Read all about Saint Obi biography and net worth

Lydia Saint Nwafor biography (Early life)

Lydia Saint Nwafor hails from Anambra state in the eastern part of Nigeria. Not much is known about her early life and family.

Lydia Saint Nwafor education

Lydia Saint Nwafor graduated from the Enugu state university of science and technology with a degree in Computer science and Engineering.

She also enrolled in the Columbia business school in the United states.

Lydia Saint Nwafor career

Lydia Saint Nwafor works as the Chief Enterprise business officer at MTN Nigeria PLC. She started working with MTN sometime in 2001 and has held different positions in the company over the years.

She was a member of the presidential committee established by former president Goodluck Jonathan.

Lydia Saint Nwafor personal life

Lydia Saint Nwafor is the former/ex-wife of popular Nigerian movie actor Saint Obi. Obinna Nwafor popularly known as Saint Obi was born on the 16th of November 1965 and died on May 7, 2023. He was a famous Nigerian actor, film director, and producer who has worked with a lot of celebrities in the movie industry.

Saint Obi was known for his roles in popular Nigerian movies like State of Emergency, Executive Crime, Festival of Fire, and Heart of Gold.

Lydia saint Nwafor net worth

Lydia Saint Nwafor net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Lydia Saint Nwafor from?

She hails from Anambra state.

How old is Lydia Saint Nwafor?



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