Yusuf Gagdi biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, education, personal life, politics and more

Yusuf Gagdi biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, education, personal life, politics and more

Read all about Yusuf Gagdi biography and net worth.

Yusuf Adamu Gagdi is a Nigerian politician who hails from Plateau state. He is a member of the Nigeria House of representatives from Pankshin/Kanam/Kenke federal constituency of plateau state in the 9th national assembly.

Yusuf Gagdi graduated from the University of Jos with a BSc in Economics, he also has a PGD in Conflict management and MSC in peace and conflict management.

He started his career as an appointee with the Plateau state teachers’ service and also worked as the personal assistant of the late Godfrey Mamzhi in the office of the head of service.

If you want to read all about Yusuf Gagdi biography, Yusuf Gagdi net worth, Yusuf Gagdi age, Yusuf Gagdi state of origin, Yusuf Gagdi career, Yusuf Gagdi education, Yusuf Gagdi personal life, Yusuf Gagdi politics and more, then you are in the right place.

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Yusuf Gagdi profile

Name: Yusuf Adamu Gagdi

Date of birth: November 5th 1980

Age: 42 years’ old

State of origin: Plateau state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Politician

Net worth: $200,000


Yusuf Gagdi biography (Early life)

Yusuf Adamu Gagdi was born on the 5th of November 1980 in the Gum-Gagdi village, kanam Nigeria. His parents are Mallama Hauwa’u Gagdi and Mallam Adamu Gagdi, he has 6 brothers and two sisters.

Yusuf Gagdi education

Yusuf Gagdi attended the LEA Primary school, he also attended the GSS Gagdi for his junior secondary school education and the GSS Dengi for his senior secondary education.

Yusuf Gagdi graduated from the University of Jos with a BSc in Economics, he also has a PGD in Conflict management and MSC in peace and conflict management.

Yusuf Gagdi career

He started his career as an appointee with the Plateau state teachers’ service and also worked as the personal assistant of the late Godfrey Mamzhi in the office of the head of service.

Yusuf later delved into politics, he is a member of the Nigeria House of representatives from Pankshin/Kanam/Kenke federal constituency of plateau state in the 9th national assembly.

Yusuf Gagdi personal life

Yusuf Gagdi is married to Hajiya Maryam Yusuf Gagdi and Jamimah Yusuf Gagdi. He has five children.

Yusuf Gagdi net worth

Yusuf Gagdi net worth has been estimated at $200,000.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Yusuf Gagdi from?

He hails from Plateau state.

How old is Yusuf gagdi?

He is 42 years’ old in 2023.


Thank you for reading my Yusuf Gagdi biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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Thank you once again for reading.


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