Endurance grand biography, net worth, age, career, nationality, education, boyfriend, personal life and more

Endurance grand biography, net worth, age, career, nationality, education, boyfriend, personal life and more

Read all about Endurance grand biography and net worth.

Endurance grand is a Nigerian-Ghanaian dancer who is popularly known on TikTok for her energetic dance videos.

She is a member of the dance with a purpose academy (DWB Academy), which is a dance group that is based in Ghana.

Endurance grand was born in Nigeria to Ghanaian and Nigerian parents, but she primarily grew up in Ghana.

If you want to read all about Endurance grand biography, Endurance grand net worth, Endurance grand age, Endurance grand career, Endurance grand nationality, Endurance grand education, Endurance grand boyfriend, Endurance grand profile and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Endurance grand:

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Endurance grand profile

Name: Endurance Dzigbordi Dedzo

Date of birth: December 20th, 1997

Age: 25 years’ old

Nationality: Nigerian-Ghanaian

Profession: Dancer

Net worth: N/A


Endurance grand biography (Early life)

Endurance grand was born in Nigeria to Ghanaian and Nigerian parents, but she primarily grew up in Ghana.

Endurance Grand education

Endurance Grand completed her primary and secondary school education in Ghana.

Endurance Grand career

Endurance grand is a Nigerian-Ghanaian dancer who is popularly known on TikTok for her energetic dance videos.

She is a member of the dance with a purpose academy (DWB Academy), which is a dance group that is based in Ghana.

She has over a million followers on social media.

Endurance Grand personal life

Endurance Grand is said to be dating her fellow DWB member Demzy Baye.

Endurance Grand net worth

Endurance Grand net worth has not yet been estimated.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Endurance Grand from?

She was born in Nigeria.

What is Endurance Grand net worth?

Endurance Grand net worth has not yet been estimated.


Thank you for reading my Endurance Grand biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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