Karl Toriola biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, personal life and more

Karl Toriola biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, personal life and more

Read all about Karl Toriola biography and net worth

Karl Toriola is the Chief executive officer of MTN Nigeria. He Had worked Nigeria in 2000 as a support and integration manager.

He also joined Econet in 2003 as a deputy chief technical officer and also as the chief operation officer.

In 2006, he joined MTN Nigeria as a chief technical officer and he became the Chief executive officer in October 2020.

If you want to read all about Karl Toriola biography, Karl Toriola net worth, Karl Toriola age, Karl Toriola career, Karl Toriola education, Karl Toriola state of origin, Karl Toriola personal life, Karl Toriola wife and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Karl Toriola:

Read all about Wale Edun biography and net worth

Karl Toriola profile

Name: Karl Toriola

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Osun state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: CEO of MTN Nigeria

Net worth: $5 million


Karl Toriola biography (Early life)

Karl Toriola hails from Osun state in the western part of Nigeria, he is from a Royal family, his father is a king.

Karl Toriola education

Karl Toriola attended the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Ile-Ife and graduated with a Bachelor of Science, degree in Electronic and electrical engineering.

He has a Master’s of science degree in communication systems from University of Wales, Swansea UK.

Karl Toriola career

He worked Nigeria in 2000 as a support and integration manager.

He also joined Econet in 2003 as a deputy chief technical officer and also as the chief operation officer.

In 2006, he joined MTN Nigeria as a chief technical officer, he was the CEO of MTN Congo Brazzaville in 2011, he was also the CEO of MTN camerooon and became the Vice president of MTN Group’s WECA (West & Central Africa) and he became the Chief executive officer in October 2020.

Karl Toriola personal life

Karl Toriola is married to Ronke Omisakin-Toriola. They both have a daughter named “Damilola Toriola”.

Karl Toriola net worth

Karl Toriola net worth has been estimated at $5 million.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Karl Toriola from?

He hails from Osun state

What is Karl Toriola net worth?

Karl Toriola net worth has been estimated at $5 million.


Thank you for reading my Karl Toriola biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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