Aunty Ramota biography, net worth, career, age, education, husband, social media and more

Aunty Ramota biography, net worth, career, age, education, husband, social media and more

Read all about Aunty Ramota biography and net worth

Aunty Ramota is a content creator, actress and comedian. She is known for her small stature and her comedy skits which she does to put smile on people’s faces.

Her real name is Ramota Adetu and she was born in 1981 in Ikorodu, Lagos state in the South west part of Nigeria.

She was born with a condition which makes her not to grow in height and maintain a small stature even in her adult age.

If you want to read all about Aunty Ramota biography, Aunty Ramota net worth, Aunty Ramota career, Aunty Ramota age, Aunty Ramota education, Aunty Ramota husband, Aunty Ramota social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Aunty Ramota:

Read my post on Wahala twins biography and net worth

Aunty Ramota profile

Name: Ramota Adetu

Date of birth: 1981

Age: 41 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Place of birth: Ikorodu

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: N/A



Aunty Ramota biography (Early life)

Aunty Ramota whose real name is Ramota Adetu was born in Ikorodu Lagos state. Not much is known about her early life and family.

Aunty Ramota education

Aunty Ramota completed her primary and secondary education in Ikorodu, Lagos state Nigeria.

Aunty Ramota career

Aunty Ramota is a content creator, actress and comedian. She is known for her small stature and her comedy skits which she does to put smile on people’s faces.

Aunty Ramota husband

Aunty Ramota is not yet married

Aunty Ramota net worth

Aunty Ramota net worth has not yet been estimated.



Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Aunty Ramota real name?

Her real name is Ramota Adetu

What state is Aunty Ramota from?

She is from Lagos state.



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