Ayo Adebanjo biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, politics, education and more

Ayo Adebanjo biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, politics, education and more

Read all about Ayo Adebanjo biography and net worth.

Ayo Adebanjo is a Nigerian lawyer, politician and activist. He is the leader of Afenifere renewal group (ARG), a popular Pan-Yoruba socio-economic & cultural organization. They are committed to the lifelong aspiration of Yoruba progressive political movement.

Ayo Adebanjo was a strong & committed associate of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo. He served in Awolowo chambers on professional tutelage after returning to Nigeria from the United Kingdom.

Ayo Adebanjo is an Open critic of bad government laws and policies and has been detained on more than one occasion for his political beliefs.

If you want to read all about Ayo Adebanjo biography, Ayo Adebanjo net worth, Ayo Adebanjo age, Ayo Adebanjo career, Ayo Adebanjo state of origin, Ayo Adebanjo politics, Ayo Adebanjo education, Ayo Adebanjo mother, Ayo Adebanjo date of birth, Ayo Adebanjo father, Ayo Adebanjo parents and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Ayo Adebanjo:

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Ayo Adebanjo profile

Ayo adebanjo biography

Name: Ayo Adebanjo

Date of birth: April 10th 1928

Age: 94 years’ old

State of origin: Ogun state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Lawyer, Political activist

Net worth: $500,000


Ayo Adebanjo biography (Early life)

Ayo Adebanjo was born on the 10th of April 1928, he hails from Isanya Ogbo in Ogun state. His father “Joel” was a Christian while his mother “Salawatu” was a muslim.

Ayo Adebanjo education

He had his primary education in the Lagos Island between 1934 & 1943. Ayo Adebanjo studied Law in the United Kingdom and was called to bar in 1961.

Ayo Adebanjo career

He is the leader of Afenifere renewal group (ARG), a popular Pan-Yoruba socio-economic & cultural organization. They are committed to the lifelong aspiration of Yoruba progressive political movement.

Ayo Adebanjo was a strong & committed associate of the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo. He served in Awolowo chambers on professional tutelage after returning to Nigeria from the United Kingdom.

Ayo Adebanjo is an Open critic of bad government laws and policies and has been detained on more than one occasion for his political beliefs.

In 1962, during the travails of the Action Group & chief Obafemi Awolowo’s trial for treasonably felony alongside 30 others and fled to Ghana

He was one of the chieftains of the national democratic coalition.

Ayo Adebanjo wife

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Ayo Adebanjo got married to Mrs. Christiana Adebanjo and they have children together.

Ayo Adebanjo net worth

Ayo Adebanjo net worth has been estimated at $500,000.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Ayo Adebanjo from?

He hails from Ogun state

How old is Ayo Adebanjo?

He is 94 years’ old

What is Ayo Adebanjo net worth?

Ayo Adebanjo net worth has been estimated at $500,000.



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