Genoveva Umeh biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, boyfriend, education, movies and more

Genoveva Umeh biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, boyfriend, education, movies and more

Read all about Genoveva Umeh biography and net worth.

Genoveva Umeh is a Nigerian Actress, Model and producer who is mostly known for her roles in Netflix movies “Far from home” and “Blood sisters”.

Genoveva played the role of Timeyin in “Blood sisters” and Zina in “Far from home” to much critical acclaim.

She has featured in a number of movies like Blameless, Love is War, Lizard, One Lagos night, Reflections, Focus, Monitoring spirits and many more, after making her debut in 2016.

Genoveva won the award for the best actress in a Drama at the 2022 African Magic Viewer’s choice awards.

If you want to read all about Genoveva Umeh biography, Genoveva Umeh net worth, Genoveva Umeh age, Genoveva Umeh state of origin, Genoveva Umeh career, Genoveva Umeh boyfriend, Genoveva Umeh education, Genoveva Umeh movies, Genoveva Umeh awards, Genoveva Umeh social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Genoveva Umeh:


Genoveva Umeh profile

Genoveva umeh biography

Real name: Genoveva Umeh

Date of birth: May 10th, 1995

Age: 28 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actor, Model

Net worth: N/A

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Genoveva Umeh biography (Early life)

Genoveva Umeh was born on the 10th of May 1995, she hails from Anambra state. Her father is a computer engineer and her mother is a Nurse, she also has a junior brother.

She moved to the United Kingdom with her family in 2006.

Genoveva Umeh education

She attended the Cyprian Nursery & Primary school in Enugu state and the Command day primary school in Enugu.

Genoveva attended the St Mary’s CE high school in London and graduated with a Law degree from the University of Surrey UK.

Genoveva Umeh career

Genoveva has always had the passion for acting and decided to pursue a career in acting by moving to Lagos, Nigeria from the UK after graduating from the University. She got her first lead role in a series shot in Enugu.

Genoveva played the role of Timeyin in “Blood sisters” and Zina in “Far from home” to much critical acclaim.

She has featured in a number of movies like Blameless, Love is War, Lizard, One Lagos night, Reflections, Focus, Monitoring spirits and many more, after making her debut in 2016.

Genoveva won the award for the best actress in a Drama at the 2022 African Magic Viewer’s choice awards.

Genoveva Umeh movies

The below are some of the movies that Genoveva has featured in:

  1. Blameless
  2. Love is war
  3. Lizard
  4. One Lagos night
  5. Reflections
  6. Focus
  7. Monitoring spirits
  8. Country hard
  9. All Good things
  10. Superstar
  11. Far from home
  12. Blood sisters

Genoveva Umeh boyfriend

There is no information on Genoveva Umeh boyfriend or if she is in any sort of relationship at the moment.

Genoveva Umeh net worth

Genoveva Umeh net worth has not yet been estimated. She makes money has an actor and model

Genoveva Umeh social media

Read my Natse Jemide biography and net worth

Instagram: @Gen0vevauneh


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Genoveva Umeh?

She is 28 years’ old

What is Genoveva Umeh net worth?

Genoveva Umeh net worth has not yet been estimated. She makes money has an actor and model.


Thank you for reading my Genoveva Umeh biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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